Thoughts of death, no plan, no intent, no behavior
What is low risk?
The act of thinking about, considering, or planning to harm another person.
What is Homicidal Ideation?
Thoughts that occur when an individual doesn't have the motivation to live but doesn't have a plan.
What are passive suicidal thoughts?
Complete or review this when a Cl discloses SI/HI/NSSI.
What is a Crisis Plan?
Agency Training for SI/HI/NSSI.
What is SHVRA?
Suicide ideation with a plan, no intent, no behavior
What is moderate risk?
Form you fill out when a Client reports homicidal ideation.
What is Danger to Others?
Thoughts that occur when an individual doesn't have a will to live and they have a plan to end their life.
What are active suicidal thoughts?
Who you inform when a Client discloses SI/HI/NSSI.
What is a Guardian/Parent?
Follow up time after a Cl calls COPES call or discharge from an inpatient facility?
What is 24 hours?
Suicidal ideation with a plan, strong intent, some behavior or rehearsal
What is high risk?
What is needed after completing the Danger to Others Assessment.
What is staffing with a supervisor?
Documents routed to supervisor after a crisis session
What are Session notes, crisis plan, and any positive assessments (ASQ, PHQ, Columbia)
Report made when Guardian/Parent is unwilling to participate in Crisis Planning and/or means safety.
What is a Suspected Child Abuse Report?
Show me where templates are located.
What is SharePoint? *Guide staff on the computer*
Suicidal ideation with a non-concrete plan, some intent, history of attempts, no behavior or rehearsal?
What is moderate risk?
Legal obligation for health professionals to disclose confidential information when they pose a risk to harm someone else.
What is Duty to Warn?
Cl/Individual is high risk and unable to commit to safety.
What is referral to an inpatient hospital?
What is intent to die, severity of injury, method, frequency?
Form to make a Client "PINK"
What is the Suicide Prevention Care Management Plan?
What SAFE-T stands for.
What is Suicidal Assessment Five Step Evaluation and Triage?
What is needed for a proper 3rd Party Statement?
Intervention to treat Suicidal Ideation
What is CAMS?
What CAMS stands for.
What is Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality?
What you complete when an individual/Cl attempts suicide
Incident Report