This helps us count objects, perform math operations, and more
What are numeric types?
these are special symbols or keywords that represent an action
What are operators?
These operators are used in basic mathematics
What is addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division?
This acronym helps you understand the orders of operations
What is PEMDAS?
Whole numbers described in coding
What are integers?
These operators are used within math
What are arithmetic operators
This allows you to set numbers -- and even text -- easily in order to understand much easier (for example: a = 3; b = 3)
What is a variable?
This symbols is used helps the computer see if the number is greater than another number
What is ">" or greater-than operator?
This can be a whole number with fraction parts and are written using decimal points
What ware Floating point numbers or "floats"?
The values you preform actions on using operators
What are operands?
What is a "/" or dash symbol?
This symbols sees if a number is less than another number
What is "<" or less-than operator
This symbol can be used within a float
What is a decimal?
Specials set of rules are followed for arithmetic operations
What are order of operations?
The shells says this if it finds that a number IS greater than another number
What is "true"?
This question "2**4" = 16; using a certain math calculation
What is exponential?
The shells says this if it finds that a number IS NOT greater than another number
What is "false"?