When is Toms birthday?
June 13th
Who are the boys leaving space for?
Tom Milward
On what date was Tori and Robs wedding?
Who won the 'pint nomination' challenge during Meg Preece's birthday bingo?
What two songs did the girls do karaoke to in Tenerife?
Super bass - Nicki Minaj
Party in the USA - Miley Cyrus
What sauce did Tom throw at the boys the night before the wedding?
BBQ sauce
Whos car is this?
Tom Milwards
What food was left in the girls room fridge by Rob and the twins, which proceeded to make them throw up due to the smell?
Chorizo sausage
At which Magaluf club was this keychain photo taken?
The whole team must complete a perfect spoof speech - Gibby/Milward edition
Well done Gibby! (or not)