What does the idiom "It’s a piece of cake" mean?
It means something is very easy.
When was Abai born?
August 10, 1845
What was the name of the first Soviet space dog that actually survived the trip?
Belka & Strelka
Which famous Kazakh intellectuals opposed Russian colonial rule and fought for autonomy in the early 20th century?
Alikhan Bokeikhanov, Mirzhakyp Dulatov, Akhmet Baitursynov
Which Soviet animated film is about a wooden boy who wants to be real?
"The Adventures of Buratino" (Приключения Буратино)
What does "cost an arm and a leg" mean?
It means something is very expensive.
What is the name of Abai’s most famous philosophical work?
"Words of Edification" ("Слова назидания")
What was the official motto of the USSR?
"Proletarians of all countries, unite!"
Who led the Kazakh uprising of 1837–1847 against the Russian Empire?
Kenesary Kasymov
Which 1928 cartoon introduced Mickey Mouse?
"Steamboat Willie" (Пароходик Вилли)
If something happens "once in a blue moon", how often does it happen?
It happens very rarely.
How many "Words of Edification" did Abai write?
What was the "Soviet answer" to Coca-Cola?
Baikal and Buratino lemonade
What was the main goal of the Alash Orda movement?
To create an independent Kazakh state based on democratic principles.
What is the longest-running American animated series?
The Simpsons (from 1989)
What does "the ball is in your court" mean?
It means it’s your turn to take action or make a decision.
What does the term "Imanigul" mean in Abai’s philosophy, and how is it connected to the concept of "Үш сүю"?
"Imanigul" is Abai’s term for pure, enlightened faith
1️⃣ Love for God – the source of wisdom.
2️⃣ Love for humanity – the foundation of morality.
3️⃣ Love for truth – the path to enlightenment.
What item was used as an unofficial “currency” in the USSR, being more valuable than money?
Toilet paper and sausage
What was the main reason for the 1916 Kazakh uprising against Russian rule?
Forced conscription into the Russian army during WWI
(Указ о призыве казахов на тыловые работы.)
Which Soviet animated film, based on a Kir Bulychev story, tells about a girl traveling to the future?
"The Mystery of the Third Planet" (Тайна третьей планеты)
What does "keep your ear to the ground" mean?
It means to stay informed and be aware of what is happening or about to happen.
What is written on the monument to Abai in Almaty?
"Абай" – no additional inscriptions, just his name.
What was the most annoying phrase Soviet workers heard at stores?
"Not available" (Нет в наличии)
What was a common punishment for people who resisted Russian colonial rule?
Exile to Siberia
Which Soviet stop-motion animated film about a hedgehog became a cult classic worldwide?
"Hedgehog in the Fog" (Ёжик в тумане)