In 2016 this Cincinnati Zoo animal was shot and killed after grabbing and dragging a boy who got into its enclosure, sparking outrage and memes
The lion's mane, the largest type of this invertebrate, may have a bell 8 feet in diameter & tentacles 120 feet long
a jellyfish
In 1825 this revolutionary controlled an area from the Caribbean to Argentina
Simón Bolívar
Maximilian Schell was the godfather of this actress who toted Billy Bob Thornton's blood
Angelina Jolie
This clear, transplantable layer of the eye anterior to the lens is often compared to the crystal on a watch
the cornea
In 2011, this tiny island Mediterranean country's residents voted to legalize divorce
This coastal creature might bring you good luck
a horseshoe crab
In 1240 Batu Khan, leader of these people, sacked & burned Kiev
the Mongols
Long before playing Brody on this Showtime drama, Damian Lewis was a telemarketer selling car alarms in London
In French "le foie" is this organ
the liver
In 1830 this US president signed the Indian Removal Act, which denied Native Americans their land rights and forcibly relocated them
(Andrew) Jackson
As they may need silk that's stronger, stickier, etc., 7 types of silk glands can be found in these arthropods
In 622 Muhammad fled from Mecca to this city, from which Islam spread across the region
In 2014 this "Sussudio" singer donated the vast collection of Alamo artifacts in his Swiss basement to the Texas site
Phil Collins
In the average adult male, this thighbone is about 19 inches long
the femur
In 1998 this country responded to nuclear weapons tests by India with 5 tests of their own, making them the 7th nation to own nuclear weapons
A common species of this, lumbricus terrestris, invaded the U.S. from Europe in potted plants
an earthworm
This early Germanic people in Gaul were split into 2 major branches, the Salians & the Ripuarians
the Franks
Before "Inside the Actors Studio", he wrote a book about animal group names & says he was a pimp in France
James Lipton
Erythrocytes are your red blood cells & these are your white blood cells
This youngest-ever UK leader was born in 1759 to a father with the same name who also held the same office - not a pitiful family
(William) Pitt the Younger
We pray that you know the name of this family of insects is from the Greek for "prophet"
praying mantis
On Jan. 26, 1808 George Johnston of Australia's New South Wales Corps led a mutiny vs. this governor & arrested him
William Bligh
Born in Goose Creek, he was Oscar-nominated as Buddy Holly and had an on-set fight on how heaven looked on a later film
Gary Busey
Each hemisphere of the brain contains four lobes with different functions; your ability to process sounds, recognize words and understand them happens in this lobe, named for its location in relation to the sides of the head
the temporal lobe