5th Grade Words
6th Grade Words

What does APPROACH mean? 

To come near or nearer to (someone or something) in distance or time.

Example: I approached my roommate's room slowly because I knew that she was sleeping. 


What is the definition of GIGANTIC? 

Of very great size or extent; huge or enormous.

Example: "That gorilla was gigantic!" 


What is the definition of ESCALATE? 

To increase rapidly/become or cause to become more intense or serious.

Example: The fight escalated quickly. 


What is the definition of EVALUATE? 

To form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; assess.

Example: I am going to evaluate each student to see if they are ready for their next test. 


What does HESITATE mean? 

To pause before saying or doing something, especially through uncertainty

Example: I hesitated to tell my mom that I lost her purse.  


What is the definition of OPTIMISITC? 

Hopeful and confident about the future.

Example: I am optimistic that this next year will be my best year. 


What is the definition of DROWSY? 

To be sleepy and lethargic; half asleep.

Example: She was extremely drowsy because she only got 4 hours of sleep. 


What is the definition of ANALYZE? 

To study or determine the nature and relationship of the parts of (something)

Example: I am going to analyze the test before taking it. 


What does IMMIGRATE mean? 

To come to live permanently in a foreign country.

Example: The students in Israel immigrated to the U.S. for a better life. 


What is the definition of GREEDY? 

Having or showing an intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth or power.

Example: She was greedy to become number one in her class. 


What is the definition of PERSUADE? 

To cause (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.

Example: I persuaded my friend to come to the movies with me to see Twilight. 


What is the definition of FEROCIOUS? 

To be savagely fierce, cruel, or violent.

Example: Ferocious yells of triumph rang from the mob.


What does ACQUIRE mean? 

To buy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneself.

Sentence: I acquired all of the books about health for myself. 


What is the definition of PARCHED? 

dried out with heat/extremely thirsty

Example: I was parched after my 3 mile run. 


What is the definition of REVOLT? 

To rise in rebellion

A revolt will force the government to shut down.  

What is the definition of UNANIMOUS? 

(of two or more people) fully in agreement.

Example: He was elected by a unanimous vote. 


What does CONFISCATE mean? 

To take or seize (someone's property) with authority.

Example: The teacher confiscated the student's phone at school. 


What is the definition of QUARRELSOME? 

A quarrelsome person repeatedly argues with other people.

Example: The boy is quarrelsome and ready to fight at the drop of a hat.


What is the definition of SCARCE? 

(especially of food, money, or some other resource) insufficient for the demand.

Example: Food was scarce during the Holocaust because many people were not allowed to grow their own food and had to ration what they had.


What is the definition of TENTATIVE? 

To be done without confidence; hesitant.

Example:Dean took a deep breath and crept a few tentative steps into the darkness.
