Simone Biles is famous for this sport.
Simone flips and jumps high on this event.
floor exercise
Simone won this shiny award for being the best in the Olympics.
a gold medal
Simone’s favorite color is this.
Simone has worked very hard to become great at this.
Simone was born in this country.
United States
Simone runs and jumps onto a springboard for this event.
the vault
Simone has won this many Olympic gold medals.
4 gold medals
Simone has a cute pet of this kind.
a French bulldog
Simone had to practice for many years to do this.
win medals
Simone started gymnastics when she was this many years old.
6 years old
Simone swings and flips between these bars.
uneven bars
Simone won a medal at this big sports competition held every four years.
the Olympics
Simone’s nickname is this.
the GOAT
Simone has spoken about the importance of taking care of this, just like her body.
her mind or mental health
Simone has won many of these for competing.
Simone is known for doing super difficult moves on this thin event.
balance beam
Simone has won more medals than almost any other gymnast in this competition.
the World Championships
Simone has competed for this country’s Olympic team.
Team USA
Simone took a break from the Olympics to focus on this.
mental health
Simone is known as one of the best gymnasts in the world because of this.
her amazing skills and hard work
Simone has moves named after her, called this.
the Biles
Simone became the most decorated gymnast ever by winning this many World Championship medals.
Simone is known for her strength and bravery, but she also talks about the importance of this.
mental health
Simone inspires others by showing this quality.
courage or determination