Sentence Basics
All About Conjunctions & Compound Sentences
All About Words
Simple, Compound, Run-on or Fragment Mix-up
Fix it

A sentence needs 3 things. Name them.



Complete Thought


FAN BOYS is a way to remember what type of word?

FAN BOYS es una forma de recordar ¿qué tipo de palabra?


Coordinating Conjunctions


Which type of noun is always capitalized?

¿Qué tipo de sustantivo siempre se escribe con mayúscula?


A proper noun is always capitalized.

Un nombre propio siempre se escribe con mayúscula.

 Marriott Hotel

Milwaukee Area Technical College


True or false. The following group of words is a compound sentence.

Katie and Joe are humble and kind. 

False - It is a simple sentence. 


Make any necessary changes, so the sentence is punctuated and written correctly. Some sentences may not need correction, so look carefully.  

there was a lot of chaos in the front office and people were asking about claritza

Realice los cambios necesarios para que la oración esté correctamente escrita y puntuada. Es posible que algunas oraciones no necesiten corrección, así que lea atentamente.

There was a lot of chaos in the front office, and people were asking about Claritza.


We know that 3 things are needed to make a sentence. If one thing is missing, what is it called?

Sabemos que para formar una oración se necesitan 3 cosas. Si falta una, ¿cómo se llama?


A sentence needs 3 things, so if one of those things is missing it is called a fragment.

Una oración necesita tres cosas, así que si falta una de esas cosas se llama fragmento.



Name three things that coordinating conjunctions do.

Bonus: On the board write an example of each job.

Nombra tres cosas que hacen las conjunciones coordinantes.

Bono: En la pizarra escribe un ejemplo de cada trabajo.

Coordinating conjunctions combine:

1. words

2. phrases

3. sentences


Name the type of word that is used in place of a noun.

Nombra el tipo de palabra que se utiliza en lugar de un sustantivo y da un ejemplo.

 Bonus: Give 5 examples

Pronouns are used in place of a noun.

Los pronombres se utilizan en lugar de un sustantivo.



True or false. The following group of words is a compound sentence.  

 I see something in you, but I don’t know what it is.

Verdadero o falso. El siguiente grupo de palabras es una oración compuesta.



Make any necessary changes, so the sentence is punctuated and written correctly. Some sentences may not need correction, so look carefully.  

She walked through the door with her big bags, and her big personality.

Realice los cambios necesarios para que la oración esté correctamente escrita y puntuada. Es posible que algunas oraciones no necesiten corrección, así que lea atentamente.

She walked through the door with her big bags and her big personality.


What is another name for a simple sentence?

¿Cuál es otro nombre para una oración simple?


Another name for a simple sentence is Independent Clause. 


Write the parts of a compound sentence on the board.

Escriba las partes de una oración compuesta en la pizarra.




Name the type of word that modifies a verb.

Bonus: Where does the it usually go in relation to the verb?


Bonus: The adverb usually follows the verb.

El adverbio suele seguir al verbo.


True or false. The following group of words is a simple sentence.    

I had already flunked high school and managed to get myself arrested.  

Verdadero o falso. El siguiente grupo de palabras es una oración simple.

Bonus: Explain your answer



On the board, show 2 ways to repair the following comma splice.  

 Josie is resourceful, she is determined.

Josie is resourceful.  She is determined.

Josie is resourceful, and she is determined.


Is the following group of words a sentence, a fragment, or a run-on?

The tall and resourceful woman with a big personality. 

¿El siguiente grupo de palabras es una oración, un fragmento o una oración continua?

It is a fragment.


In a compound sentence, if the coordinating conjunction is missing, what type of run-on is it?

En una oración compuesta, si falta la conjunción coordinante, ¿qué tipo de oración continua es?


If the coordinating conjunction is missing in a compound sentence it is called a comma splice.

Si falta la conjunción coordinante en una oración compuesta, se denomina oración fusionada.



Name the type of word that modifies nouns. 

Bonus: Where does this word usually go in relation to the noun. 

¿Dónde va normalmente esta palabra en relación con el sustantivo?


Bonus: Adjectives usually come before nouns in English.

En inglés los adjetivos suelen ir antes de los sustantivos.


The determined athlete trained tirelessly for the championship.

The athlete was determined to win the championship.


True or false. The following group of words is a compound sentence.  

 I was concerned that I was going to lose my job so I needed to do something.

Verdadero o falso. El siguiente grupo de palabras es una oración compuesta.



Make any necessary changes, so the sentence is punctuated and written correctly. Some sentences may not need correction, so look carefully.  

students who attended milwaukee area technical college were determined to learn how to write precise and well written sentences in english

Realice los cambios necesarios para que la oración esté correctamente escrita y puntuada. Es posible que algunas oraciones no necesiten corrección, así que lea atentamente.

Bonus: What type of sentence is it?

Students who attended Milwaukee Area Technical College were determined to learn how to write precise and well written sentences in English. 


Name 2 types of run-ons.

Nombra 2 tipos de oraciones continuas.

Comma splice

Fused sentence


In a compound sentence, what is it called when the coordinating conjunction is missing? Be specific.

Ex: I sent my resume everywhere, I did not hear from anybody.

En una oración compuesta, ¿cómo se llama cuando falta la conjunción coordinante? Sea específico.

When the coordinating conjunction is missing in a compound sentence, the sentence is a run-on comma splice.

Cuando falta la conjunción coordinante en una oración compuesta, la oración es una coma continua. 


Without looking at notes, name the coordinating conjunctions.

Sin mirar notas, nombra las conjunciones coordinantes. 

For, and, not, but, or, yet, so


True or false. The following group of words is a compound sentence.

Thought I was going to find a job as soon as possible, so I was excited.

Verdadero o falso. El siguiente grupo de palabras es una oración compuesta.



Make any necessary changes, so the sentence is punctuated and written correctly. Some sentences may not need correction, so look carefully.  

a strong support system helps a person build confidence self esteem a positive attitude and a growth mindset so they can become successful

Realice los cambios necesarios para que la oración esté correctamente escrita y puntuada. Es posible que algunas oraciones no necesiten corrección, así que lea atentamente.

Bonus: What type of sentence is it?

Make any necessary changes, so the sentence is punctuated and written correctly. Some sentences may not need correction, so look carefully.  

A strong support system helps a person build confidence, self esteem, a positive attitude, and a growth mindset, so they can become successful.
