social life

100 - What if it rained every day? How would you feel?

Sample Answer: I would feel unhappy because I like sunny days.


100 - What if you could invent a machine that does anything? What would it do?

Sample Answer: I would invent a machine that makes food so I never get hungry.


100 - What if you could have any pet? What pet would you choose?

Sample Answer: I would choose a cat because they are cute and soft.


100 - What if you could be a teacher for a day? What would you teach?

Sample Answer: I would teach art because I love drawing and painting.


100 - What if you could see the future? What do you think you would see?

Sample Answer: I would see myself as a grown-up with a nice job.


200 - What if you could talk to animals? Which animal would you talk to?

Sample Answer: I would talk to my dog because I want to know what he thinks.


200 - What if you could fly like a bird? Where would you go?

Sample Answer: I would fly to the beach because I love the ocean.


200 - What if you could go to any party? What kind of party would it be?

Sample Answer: It would be a birthday party with lots of games and cake.


200 - What if you could be a doctor? Would you like it?

Sample Answer: Yes, I would like it because I want to help people.


200 - What if people could live on the moon? Would you want to go?

Sample Answer: Yes, I would want to go because it sounds exciting.


300 - What if you could plant a tree that grows any fruit? What fruit would it be?

Sample Answer: It would be an apple tree because I like apples.


300 - What if all computers stopped working? How would you feel?

Sample Answer: I would feel sad because I use my computer for many things.


300 - What if you could be friends with a famous person? Who would it be?

Sample Answer: I would be friends with a famous singer because I love music.


300 - What if you could be an astronaut? What would you do in space?

Sample Answer: I would explore the moon and take pictures.


300 - What if you could invent something new? What would you invent?

300 - What if you could invent something new? What would you invent?


400 - What if you could swim with dolphins? Would you like it?

Sample Answer: Yes, I would like it because dolphins are very friendly.


400 - What if you could visit a fairy tale world? Which one would you choose?

Sample Answer: I would visit the world of "Cinderella" because I like the story.


400 - What if you could change one rule at school? What would it be?

Sample Answer: I would change the rule to have more recess time.


400 - What if you could choose any job? What job would you choose?

Sample Answer: I would choose to be a chef because I like cooking.


400 - What if you could solve any problem in the world? What would it be?

Sample Answer: I would solve world hunger so everyone has enough food.


500 - What if you could live in the forest for a week? What would you do?

Sample Answer: I would explore the forest and watch the animals.


500 - What if you could design a new phone? What would it look like?

Sample Answer: My phone would be very thin and have a big screen.


500 - What if you could help someone in need? How would you help them?

Sample Answer: I would help by giving them food and clothes.


500 - What if you could start your own business? What would you sell?

Sample Answer: I would sell toys because I think they make people happy.


500 - What if you could make one change to your life? What would it be?

Sample Answer: I would want to travel more and see new places.
