play, jump, look for
played, jumped, looked for
travel, smile, land, say
travelled, smiled, landed, said
боль в животе
a doctor
answer/the questions
e.g. She answered the questions in the exam.
what is it?
walk, shout, visit
walked, shouted, visited
stop, watch, phone, go
stopped, watched, phoned, went
Что случилось?
У меня болит зуб
What's the matter?
I've got a toothache
like/the cookies.
I liked the cookies my grandmother did yesterday.
Lucky you!
Just take the point
We ____(talk) last Friday.
Marry and Sam _______(walk) the dog yesterday.
We TALKED last Friday.
Marry and Sam WALKED the dog yesterday.
I_______(wake up) at 8.30 yesterday morning so I _______(be) late for school.
I WOKE up at 8.30 yesterday morning so I WAS late for school.
Вчера у тебя болела голова
Yesterday, you HAD a headache.
They did their homework.
When it's dark we use -
a torch
Write the sentenses:
1 yesterday/ the park /walk/ my friends/ in/
2 cat/ this/ sad/ look/
1 My friedns walkED in the park yesterday
2 This cat lookED sad
Write the sentenses:
1 yesterday/ and I /be/the park/ my friends/ in/
2 say/ he/ he/ sorry/was
1 Yeasterday my friend and I WERE in the park.
2 He said he was sorry.
Я думаю, у вас простуда и кашель
I think, you've got a cold and a cough.
study/for the exam
He studied for the exam last Sunday.
this laptop is_________(expensive) than this one.
a red phone is _________(cheap) and the smallest in the shop.
this laptop is MORE expensive than this one.
a red phone is THE CHEAPEST and the smallest in the shop.
1 Вчера мы смотрели фильм
2 В прошлый понедельник я прыгал в парке
1 Yesterday we watchED the film
2 Last monday I jumpED in the park
1 Вчера мы были в школе
2 Они ходили в больницу вчера
Вчера мы были в больнице и навестили нашего дядю Боба.
Yesterday we WERE at the hospital and visitED our uncle Bob.
be/happy/ excited/ because of/ birthday
The cat was happy and excited yesterday because of his birthday.
can you read it?
We are the best students in the world
We are the best students in the world