Who was Mary Berry?
The daughter of Simpson College President Thomas Berry.
Who is the current President of Simpson College?
What office supplies parking registration stickers?
Security office.
Which club hosts the largest campus events?
CAB, Campus Activities Board
Who was the first President of Simpson College?
Samuel Milton Vernon
Before Mary Berry Hall, what was the original title of the building?
Ladies Hall
What dorms are considered the Freshman dorms?
Kresge and Barker
Which department has tutors that help you with a course?
CARs, Center for Academic Resources
Where can you find information about upcoming campus events?
Which Protestant denomination is Simpson College associated with?
True or false: the writing center is on the 3rd floor of Mary Berry
False. The writing center is on the first floor of Mary Berry.
What dorms are considered the upper class dorms?
Picken and Buxton
Career Development in the Student Development suite.
How many campus or club events has your group attended so far?
Any amount
What was Barker and Kresge before they became CoEd?
Barker- mens dorm and Kresge- women's dorm
True or false: you will fail your next exam if you step on the campus seal outside of College Hall.
True, do not step on the campus seal.
Which food locations on campus allow you to use Flex money?
Millies, Sub Connection, Tylers, Just Baked, Boba
Where do you go to get a change of major form, or add a major form?
Registration service window in Hillman Hall.
What is an campus wide event that Simpson College does before classes start in the fall semester?
Stand Around and the Block Party
What originally was the pedestrian plaza?
North C Street went through campus.
What was College hall before it became the admissions and financial aid location?
Simpson College Chapel.
If you wanted to join a fraternity or sorority, how would you start the process to joining?
Attend an event they are hosting, follow them on social media for more information, or even ask a current member.
Which department helps you if you add or drop any loans or scholarships?
Financial aid.
How many campus events or club events do you have to attend for this transfer class?
What is the book that contains the history of Simpson College?
Beneath the Whispering Maples