Description of a DV in observable, measurable terms
Operational definition
Using a checklist to determine if bar staff had restocked all supplies behind the bar would be an example of...
Permanent product recording
The three dimensions of social validation
Goals, procedures, results
Claims bolstered by anecdotes, testimonials, and self-published research are likely to be this
In behavior analytic research, DVs must be _____ significant
Measurement approaches aimed at capturing each occurrence of the DV or target behavior
Continuous measurement
What you would call a design in which a reward system was sequentially applied across circle time, lunch time, and recess
Multiple baseline across settings
Recommendation if a DV targeted for decrease is down-trending in baseline
Hold off on IV implementation and continue to track behavior
The best way to avoid getting sucked into pseudoscientific claims
Be a skeptic
It is not objective (calls for speculation about intention of the speaker).
Name at least three dimensions of behavior that can be measured
Count, Duration, Latency, Intensity, Topography
Reversal design
When should social validity be measured?
Throughout the research or clinical process
The direction of correlation we would predict between number of hours of daily screen time and sleep quality
Negative correlation
Category of behavioral issue in which a behavior is missing from the repertoire or the behavior does not occur at sufficient frequency
Behavioral deficit
Essential information for measuring rate
Count of DV and duration of observation
In a changing criterion design, name of a phase that returns to a previous criterion
An intervention for reducing peer conflicts includes social stories, role-play, and reinforcement for positive peer interactions. How would you determine if all features of the intervention were necessary?
Conduct a component analysis
IOA calculation for all discontinuous measurement systems
[A / (A+D)] x 100
The best course of action if a new and critical topography of the DV is observed after the operational definition has been agreed by the research or clinical team
Modify the operational definition
Measure of the point at which a child falls asleep and when they wake up
Name at least two designs for determining the relative effects of different IVs
Alternating treatments, multi-element, ABAC
IV implementation error in which the implementer fails to deliver a component of the intervention
Error of omission
Research focused on interpretation and meaning rather than numbers
Three criteria for a good operational definition
Objective, clear, complete
Discontinuous measurement system that underestimates occurrence of the DV
Whole-interval recording
What we would call a changing criterion design in which the reinforcement phases are implemented sequentially across three different people
Combined design (or CCD within an MBL)
Threat to internal validity in which the DV changes as a function of time or development
The best approach for defining a DV when all members of the response class produce the same outcome
Function-based operational definition
Discontinuous measurement strategy that might be the best choice if the data collector has other obligations during the observation session (e.g., a parent, teacher, prison officer)
Momentary time sampling
A strategy for potentially salvaging internal validity when you find out the baselines in an MBL designs are not independent
Implement a reversal
Author of the seminal article on social validity
Montrose Wolf (1978)