What did Tree-ear bring to the Emissary?
A single shard
What's the most popular Korean show on Netflix?
Squid Game
What color is celadon?
Who is the master potter?
Who threw Min's pottery off the cliff?
A robber
Why did the robbers throw the pottery off the cliff?
For fun
What are the names of the 2 Koreas?
North and South Korea
Korea was the best in the world at pottery in the 12th century. True or False?
Who's the author of the book?
Linda Sue Park
Why did Tree-ear work for Min?
As payment for breaking his pottery box
Name of Tree-ear's village?
What are the capitals of Korea?
Pyongyang and Seoul
Where was celadon invented?
What is the Rock of Falling flowers?
Cliff where all the King's concubines' jumped to their deaths
Name of Korea during Tree-ear's time? (12th century)
What do you call the funace that turns clay into pottery?
Who was the potter's (Min's) wife?
Name of the precious 12th century celado vase that author mentioned at the end of the book?
The "Thousand Cranes Vase"
What is kimchee made of?
What does celadon mean?
Pale grayish-green color