Global Connections
Difficult to Understand
Time and Place
Connections to our culture

True or False: The Puritans persecuted and banished religious outsiders?



True or False: People with differing beliefs would be publicly hanged?

True! Puritans were very authoritative and valued conformity so they commonly got rid of people with differing beliefs.  


When did the Puritan Faith begin?

The late 16th century and the early 17th century. During this time period religion was a political priority and religious uniformity was very important. Many religions punished people who disagreed with that uniformity. 


How many times were Puritans required to attend church each week? 



This was another common punishment from people of differing beliefs. 

Public hanging! We can still see many conflicts today having started because of religious differences and leading to excess amounts of violence. 


True or False: Puritans condoned slavery and even owned slaves themselves?

True! Puritans were commonly slaves owners and Puritan theology had no revulsion towards slavery. 


What religion dominated Boston at this time?

Puritanism! At this time, Boston was run by authoritative Puritan law so even if people disagreed with the torture endured for sinning, these people were too afraid to speak up. 


What was a common punishment that was not physically harmful?

Public shaming! Today, public shaming still has a profound effect on our society. Shaming can happen in person and especially over social media. 


Why did Puritans leave New England and head to America?

The left to get away from religious persecution and to create a "pure" religion for God, hence their severe punishments for sinning.


True or false: You could not be severely punished until the age of 18 for disobeying God

False! It was common for children to be whipped and even put to death for cursing their parent. 


This Puritan concept stated that everybody was supposed to go to hell for being born with an "Original Sin" but God would save only a few of them. 

Unconditional Election! Because people of Puritan Faith could never be certain if they would go to heaven or not, sinning was taken very seriously and that explains the harsh punishments. 


This is something that the United States and the Puritan government struggled with. (Hint: think religious beliefs and legislation)

Mixing church and state! We see this happening in both cultures although Puritans were much more against this concept. 


This group were seen as the "Devil's servants" and were treated with very little respect

Native Americans.


Which of the following did Puritans NOT use as punishment?

A. Cutting off ears

B. Branding

C. Burned

D. Breaking legs 

D is incorrect! Puritans punishments were severe and consistent of branding, chopping ears, burned hands, and hangings but they were not known for breaking bones. 


According to Puritan beliefs, who did Jesus die for?

The "Elect". This is a specialized group of people who were "predestined" for heaven and that Jesus didn't die for everybody which was the common belief of most Christians. This Puritan concept is called Limited Atonement. 


Who was responsible for starting the Salem Witch Trails?

William Phillips, Samuel parris, George Burroughs, and Bridget Bishop.
