Name three different strategies you can use to help you find a book.
1) Use the OPAC 2) Browse the shelves 3) Ask Mr. Behling!
He invented the DDCS to help patrons find books in an easier and more organized fashion.
Melvil Dewey!
What does OPAC stand for?
"Online Public Access Catalog"
Navigate to the Databases page!
Using your internet browser see if you can locate the library OPAC page. Extra 100 points if you can get to the Somers Public Library OPAC!
Why do we cite our sources?
1) To give the author credit for their work. 2) To show the teacher where our research was found
Is this a Fiction or Non-Fiction book? Why? 435.23 MAC
Non-Fiction as indicated by the numbers in call number.
This section of the Library contains books on Sports, Hobbies, and Arts & Crafts, and more
700-799 (700's)
In the OPAC locate a book on Bigfoot and write down the call number
Use the OPAC in an internet browser to locate the book!
When doing research, should you only stick to just print or just online sources? How many sources is enough? Why?
Multiple sources, as many as needed to answer your question.
What is the name of the page that you put all of your citations on at the end of your project?
"Works Cited"
Bibliography Page
Where is the call number located on a book?
On the spine label.
This section contains books on wild animals.
500-599 (500's)
WITHOUT LOOKING: Name the five different searches you can do from the OPAC search screen.
Keyword, Author, Title, Subject, Series
Name FIVE research resources you can use in the library.
For example:
1) Ask Mr. Behling
2) Look in a book
3) Use the Library OPAC
4) Ask a friend for help
5) Use the library tablets to access the databases
Should you ever just use online or just use print sources? Why? Is one better than the other?
It is good practice to use both printed book sources and online sources. Since book sources have been fact checked, they can help you figure out if a website's information is true too.
When do you not have to cite your sources?
NEVER! This is a trick question. You always cite your sources!
This section uses the author's last name to organize its books.
What are the Fiction sections.
What is the call number of: The Story of the Miami Dolphins?
796.332 CAF
What is the key piece of information when looking for up to date online research?
The year/date the information was published.
How do databases help us cite our sources?
They give you the full citation without needing to do any work!
What is the issue with posting something on the internet?
Once it is on the internet, it is there forever.
You are playing minecraft on a multiplayer server when someone you know only in the game starts asking personal questions about you in real life (IRL). What do you do?
Firstly, it is a good idea to play games with people you only know in real life. Secondly, do not give personal information to strangers.
You are doing a project on outer space. Find three books and call numbers for books that would help you out with good facts.
Use the OPAC to locate three call numbers.
You have a very funny picture of a friend trying to do a trick on a skateboard but failing terribly. You really want to post the picture online and share with your friends. What do you do?
Ask their permission first.
A website is asking for your name, address, and phone number and you can win a free iphone. The website is nicely designed and has a .com at the end. What do you do and why?
Do not put in your personal information! As a rule of thumb, nothing is free on the internet. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably isn't.