Faithful Women

She was a young Jewish woman who humbly did God's will.  She willingly accepted a very important assignment that would have a long lasting affect on all those who hope to live forever in Heaven and on Earth.  Although materially poor, she was spiritually rich. Name this faithful woman of the Christian/Greek scriptures and her assignment.

Who is Mary (mother of Jesus) whose assignment was to raise God's son?


This prophecy by Jesus told of how true religion would reappear during the time of the end.  What is this prophecy commonly known as?

What is the prophecy of the wheat and the weeds?


This was the first original song released on the brand new JW Broadcasting back in October 6, 2014.

What is The Best Life Ever?


She was the second wife of a faithful man.  Loved the most, she later gave birth to two sons. Her endurance of a difficult family life without losing hope that Jehovah hears our prayers is exemplified in the book of Genesis. One of these sons would become instrumental in delivering Israel from famine and the other son's tribe would produce the first king of Israel.  Name this faithful woman and the names of her sons.

Who was Rachel, Joseph, and Benjamin?


This is one of the first prophecies we read in the Bible and it is still only partially fulfilled.  It foreshadowed Jesus death and tells of a final deathblow to Satan and this wicked system of things.  Please name the Bible book chapter and verse where this prophecy appears.

What is Genesis 3:15? (prophecy of the woman and the offspring)


This song was sang by the Israelites in praise to Jehovah after God destroyed the Egyptian army in the Red Sea, women sang in response to the men and we still sing this song at our meetings today.  What is the name of the song?

What is the "Victory Song"?


She was a prostitute and a Canaanite whose courage and faith is worthy of imitation today.  She "heard" about Jehovah and her actions would save her, her family, and these two spies of Israel.  What was her name?

Who is Rahab?


This prophecy tells of a Kingdom that will be established by God and last forever.  What is the book, chapter, and verse?

What is Daniel 2:44?


This catchy tune was the very first to appear, sang by a children's chorus, for the brand new animated series "Become Jehovah's Friend" released on dvd at the "Safegaurd Your Heart!" district convention in 2012. What is the name of the song?

What is "Listen, Obey, and be Blessed"?


She is the first woman in the Bible to be identified as a prophetess. As a prophetess, she had a role in relating God's messages.  She enjoyed a prominent position in Israel and shared with the men in a victory song after God destroyed the Egyptian army in the Red Sea. Later, she even humbly took correction from Jehovah and is included in the book of Micah as someone sent by Jehovah to the Israelites. What is the name of this faithful woman?

Who is Miriam?


This prophecy was a dream given to the King of Babylon, and spoke of how he would lose his power, experience "lycanthropy" (KJV), and yet regain his power again. What was the name of the King?

Who is King Nebuchadnezzar? (the prophecy of the big tree. Daniel 4:1-37)


This song lovingly reassures us that "Jehovah knows just what we need to bring us joy and to succeed." What is the name of this catch kingdom song?

What is "Reaching Out"? (song no. 84)


After being healed by Jesus, this faithful woman traveled with Christ and his apostles. She risked social disapproval by doing this. She is noted as using her money, goods, or property to assist Jesus and his apostles in their ministry. She was present at the execution of Christ, and was one of the women Luke identifies as being spoken to by angels who told them of Jesus resurrection. She is noted for ministering to Jesus and was loyal to him through trials.  Later, she was among those gathered together in Jerusalem at Pentecost 33 C.E. Who was this faithful woman?

Who is Joanna?


This prophecy recorded by King David spoke of this particular group being a "large army" declaring the good news of God.  What is the book, chapter, and verse of this prophecy?

What is Psalm 68:11 (the prophecy of women proclaiming the good news)?


This original song encourages us to picture the scene and to keep a tight grip on our hope of everlasting life, yes, "Hope is an anchor that holds us firm." What is the name of this song?

What is "The New World to Come"?
