My favorite food is this
What is Pizza?
This is my current favorite meme
What is Bean meme?
The best drink is this
This dog is Blind
Who is lucy
This makes me smile day in and day out
what is jazz
My favorite Teleivision show is this.
What is Jojo?
This is the most hated meme by me
What is Ugandan Knuckles?
What is The best type of pizza
What is sausage?
This is the fat one
Who is sugars
These go high in the air due to air
What is an Air balloon
This is my favorite thing to do.
What is Draw?
You need to be this to find memes good.
What is edgy?
salad is this
What is Gross?
this is the dead one(the thunder god)
Who is thor?
This helps you land
what is a parachute?
This is one of my worst fears
What is the dark?
The third planet from the sun
What do you eat in a movie theater
what is BEANS?
This is the loud one
who is lady?
This is made for making things bounce
what is a trampoline
This is my childhood loved cartoon
What is Tom&jerry?
This is what you are
what is gay?
This is not what you eat in a taco bell parking lot
what is tacos
This one is my favorite
Who is lady
who is christian crawford?