A series of 5 dimensions used to measure customer satisfaction
Customers increasingly think service providers shouldn not just fulfill their needs, but even anticipate them. This is due to rising customer...
Training employees and giving them the authority to perform service recovery on the spot
Complainers or Difficult Customers
How the space is being used - the arrangement of furniture & equipment
Spatial Layout
A model that looks at the differences between the customer's expectations and experience of service
The 4 Types of Customers
Butterflies, Barnacles, Strangers & True Friends
Rewards offered by companies to their most frequent customers to encourage them to shop there
Loyalty Programs
The hardest thing for companies to do after a service breakdown
Get customers to complain
The effect of the spatial layout on service (how well the spatial layout works)
The ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately
The 4 Unique Characteristics of Customer Service
Intangibility, Inseparability, Heterogeneity, Perishability
Financial Bonds, Social Bonds, Customized Bonds & Structural Bonds
Retention Strategies
An apology, a correction, refund, discount or free item
Service Recovery Strategies
Ambient conditions, spatial layout & functionality, signs, symbols & artifacts
Environmental Dimensions
The ability of a business to react to changing conditions and needs of customers quickly and effectively
The 6 Global Trends
Experience, Ethical Products, Health Consciousness, Customization, Convenience & Speed, Service Quality
A type of marketing that attracts customers, retains them and enhances their satisfaction by making them feel special
Relationship marketing
This model/theory says that customers who experienced a service breakdown and a good service recovery may become more loyal than customers who did not experience a service breakdown.
Service Recovery Paradox
The 4 Roles of the Servicescape
Packaging, Facilitator, Socializer, Differentiator
The only way to close Gap 5: The Customer Gap
Close the other 4 gaps
Hofstede's 6 Dimensions
power-distance, individualism (collectivism), masculinity (femininity), uncertainty avoidance, long-term (short-term) orientation, indulgence (restraint)
Three staffing challenges companies face when setting up a service culture
Recruiting (finding) Staff, Training Staff, Retaining (keeping) Staff
The 5 Steps of Service Recovery
Apology, Urgent Reinstatement, Empathy, Symbolic Atonement, Follow-up
The 4 Responses to the Servicescape
Cognitive, Emotional, Physiological, Behavioural