College Trips
Financial Aid Night
SAT Registration
Final Reporting
Final Ceremony
Each student needs to give this document to his/her site director before departing on a college trip.
What is a permission slip, signed by a parent or guardian?
Where are some places you can look to find an effective financial aid speaker?
Last year's legacy document School/site partners Your college's admissions office
What are some things you need to do before beginning SAT registration at your site?
Reserve a Computer Lab Make sure you have fee waivers Make sure you have credit card numbers for students who don't use fee waivers Make sure every student has a collegeboard account and remembers their username and password
During the last week of classes before the Final Ceremony, students and coaches should fill these out.
What are post-program surveys?
What must you return to eligible students during the class time prior to your Final Ceremony?
What are two potential modes of transportation you can use to visit a college?
Rent a bus (ask for 3 quotes), public transportation (research group deals), use a car or van provided by your site (with a trained driver).
These members of the LGR community must be invited to the Financial Aid event.
Who are students' families?
Name everything a student should bring on test day (points for naming at least 4).
#2 pencil, photo ID, calculator, snacks, admission ticket
An important part of final reporting, this document shows when and how you spent your allocated budget. What should go along with this document? (Must name both to get the points.)
What is your Expense Record? What are ALL your receipts taped neatly to pieces of paper and numbered in order.
This is the biggest expense of your final ceremony...and will also make the most people happy.
What is food?
How can you prepare students for a successful college visit? (Points for two or more answers!)
Give students information about the college you're visiting Encourage students to come up with questions to ask tour guides Practice a good handshake Do mock-tours/info sessions in the classroom Discuss appropriate clothes and college-going etiquette
In combining Financial Aid Night with this other event, you will be able to have a fun, community-filled night of learning and celebration!
What is the Final Ceremony?
For which SAT are students registering?
This document will leave useful information for next semester's Site Directors including information about partnerships and students who may be helpful resources.
What is the Legacy Doc?
What is a great way to get incentive prizes and rewards for students?
Donations from site partners and community organizations!
Why may you want to prep your tour guide/admissions staff about Let's Get Ready before showing up to campus?
To make the college tour more targeted to our student audience!
Why must you make your speaker aware of the Let's Get Ready program and your students?
The speaker should be aware of his/her audience and any special information pertinent to first-generation college-bound students, low-income families, and students from underserved schools in order to give the best presentation possible!
If a student is eligible for free or reduced price lunch, he or she is also eligible for two of these in his or her lifetime.
What is an SAT fee waiver?
You must postmark or hand-deliver final reporting to the Let's Get Ready office by what date?
What is May 10th?
What are some accomplishments for which you can create student awards?
Score improvement, perfect attendance, College Choice completion
What are some ways you can pick an appropriate (and perfect!) college to visit with your students? (Points for two answers)
Look at student interest (especially in pre-program surveys) Look at your Legacy Doc for schools past SDs have visited Look at the demographics of the college and see if it is an appropriate option for your students See how far it is from your site (and how easy it is to get to!) Check for relationships with Let's Get Ready (through coaches, alums, site partners...)
What preparation can you do to ensure your financial aid speaker's presentation goes smoothly?
Check to see if they have audiovisual needs (like a projector or screen) or need handouts printed.
This four-digit code is integral to Let's Get Ready's process. It allows the organization to track student SAT scores and make our program more affective. Each student must input this code when registering for his/her SAT with Let's Get Ready.
What is 4629?
All of your ETO must be done by this date...or you won't get your final paycheck!
What is May 8th?
Which groups should you be sure to invite to, and at the very least mention at, your Final Ceremony? (Points for naming at least four.)
Coaches, students' families, community partners, high school partners, college partners, donors, custodial staff.