Typical dimensions of a parking stall.
What is 9' x 18'?
The maximum slope for an accessible parking stall, as well as cross slope on an exterior walkway and landing.
What is 2%?
Minimum clear width of a walkway and ramp run.
What is 36"? (Handrails and handrail supports provided on ramp run shall not project into required clear width.)
Typical bike stall dimension.
What is 2'x6'?
Typical vertical drop at a dock.
What is 4'?
Needed adjacent to an accessible parking stall and can vary in width from 5' to 8'.
What is an access aisle?
Maximum rise for ramp run before needing a landing mid-run.
What is 30"? (Landings required at top and bottom, and every 30" of vertical change)
Ideal maximum slope of patio before seated person can detect slope.
What is 1-2%?
Preferred style of bike rack to allow 2 points of locking of frame and wheel to the rack.
What is a 'U' bike rack?
Typical length of a semi with 53' trailer?
Formed by the intersection of two lines drawn along each property or curb line a specified distance away from a street intersection.
What is a vision triangle?
Year of ICC A117.1 accessible code that will go into effect when Wisconsin adopts the 2021 IBC.
The maximum vertical drop from walkway before a guardrail is needed.
What is 30"? (Measured vertically to the floor or grade below at any point within 36" horizontally to the edge of the open side).
Ball sphere diameter that should not be allowed to pass through guard rail openings.
Considered the minimum distance from 90-degree docks to edge of pavement for maneuvering.
What is 120'? (desired would be in 140-150' range with 40' to 50' radii).
Typical maximum running slope across a parking lot.
What is 5%?
Minimum length of handrail extensions at top and bottom of stairs and landings.
This play surfacing is considered accessible if properly maintained by raking into place.
What is engineered wood fiber?
What is 28'?
Standard bumper thickness that should be considered in dock planning to prevent top of truck from hitting building / door.
Number of van accessible parking stalls needed within a 100-stall parking lot.
What is 1? (For every 6 or fraction of 6 parking accessible parking stalls required, at least 1 shall be van accessible)
What is 6"?
Required at the pedestrian access routes and transit stops, most commonly seen at bottom of curb ramp.
What is detectable warning surface?
This watertight receptacle is built to catch sediment of surface, subsoil or other waste drainage and to retain oily or greasy wastes, so as to prevent their entrance into the building drain or building sewer.
What is a catch basin?
Typical vertical clearance at dock.
What is 13.5'?