Most common organism found in prosthetic graft infections?
What is s. aureus (staphylococcal)?
Prealbumin half life.
What is 2-4 days?
80 year old man with afib is in the ICU after thrombectomy and a fem pop bypass for a cold leg with new onset calf pain. What procedure should he have?
What is a 4 compartment fasciotomy?
The concomitant arterial injury with a Chance (L3) fracture.
What is mesenteric vessel injury?
Bonus: small bowel injury also common in this area
The most common etiology for spontaneous and effort induced subclavian-axillary thrombosis.
What is thoracic outlet syndrome?
Name an organism that should be treated empirically for hospital acquired pneumonia.
What is MRSA/pseudomonas/GNR?
What is glutamine?
Positional location of the tip of an IABP.
What is 2-3cm distal to the left subclavian artery?
Nerve most commonly affected with compartment syndrome? Bonus: which compartment is it in?
What is the deep peroneal nerve in the anterior compartment?
Testicular atrophy after hernia repair is caused by:
Overdissection of the cord + venous thrombosis [pampinoform plexus thrombosis]
Name an organism + its antibiotic coverage for a NSTI.
What is clostridia+GAS+staph (pcn), GPC (vanc), GNR+anaerobes (gent/quinolones)?
Fuel for colonocytes.
What is short chain fatty acids? [acetate, butyrate, proprionate]
The oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve is shifted right by what factors?
What is high temp (fever); 2,3DPG; H+; or CO2?
Bonus: What does a right shift do to oxygen release?
Increases oxygen release
Name the origin of the arterial blood supply for the superior/middle/inferior adrenal gland.
What is phrenic (superior), aorta (middle), renal (inferior)?
A unique feature of Batson's venous plexus that allows hematogenous spread of breast ca to the spine?
What is valveless?
Most common infection resulting in mycotic aneurysms?
What is staph aureus?
Salmonella is most common in non aneurysmal aortitis.
A fat soluble vitamin.
What is Vitamin A, D, E, K?
What type of shock does a post op BKA patient have with an elevated CVP and decreased cardiac output?
What is cardiogenic shock?
Hypovolemic has low CVP and low CO.
Septic shock has low CVP and high CO.
Cardiogenic shock has high CVP and low CO.
The location of the embolus in a patient with acute limb ischemia, pallor/poor cap refill from the mid calf to the foot, no pedal pulses, and a palpable femoral pulse.
What is the below knee popliteal artery?
Name one criteria for a massive PE.
What is cardiogenic shock; hypotension (SBP<90); severe bradycardia (HR <40) + hypotension; RV dysfunction?
Silver sulfadiazine side effect.
What is leukopenia? What is hemolytic anemia with G6PD deficiency?
Covers candida, does not cover psuedomonas. Poor eschar penetration (love when it shows up smeared all over that necrotic heel ulcer in clinic).
What is protein C, S, prothrombin, Factors VII, IX, X?
Name a contraindication for ECMO.
What is any contraindication to anticoagulation? [Will also accept what is high pressure ventilation + high FiO2 >0.7]
Artery oversewn during surgery for a bleeding duodenal ulcer.
What is the GDA?
Other surgical treatment: gastrectomy/vagotomy+pyloroplasty
Treatment for Mondor's disease.
What is warm compresses+NSAIDs?
Bonus: superficial thrombophlebitis of the breast with a palpable cord to the axilla