Forklift Safety
Hand Safety
Slip/Trip/Fall Prevention
Heat-Related Safety
General Safety

Use this part of the forklift to alert pedestrians or other forklift operators when rounding a corner or moving through a door.

What is the horn


This piece of PPE protects your hands and is important you use the correct kind for the job in case your hands do end up in the line of fire.

What are gloves


Always use these when walking up or down steps.

What are handrails


This should be consumed in the event someone is displaying symptoms of heat exhaustion.

What is water or electrolyte-replacing sports drinks

Using your legs to lift will reduce injuries to this body part.

What is your back


Must always be worn during operation of a forklift.

What is a seatbelt


When working on equipment or machinery, ensure it is properly _____ to prevent unexpected start-up

What is isolated/locked out and tagged out


In the event of a spill this should be done to prevent a slip/trip/fall.

What is clean up spill immediately or place warning signs or barricades in the area until it can be corrected.


These are painful, brief muscle cramps that can occur during exercise or work in a hot environment.

What are heat cramps


This should never be used to open a box at work.

What is a personal pocket knife (always use an EHS approved cutter)


When driving a forklift in an area people could be walking, _____ always have the right-of-way.

What are pedestrians


The name for any point where it is possible for a body part to be caught between moving and stationary portions of equipment

What is a pinch point


In the event of any changes in elevation in a walkway this should be done to alert pedestrians.

What is clearly mark them


This heat-related illness is less severe than heat stroke but is still dangerous and can eventually lead to heat stroke. Symptoms of this heat-related illness include signs of excessive thirst, weakness, and dizziness and is caused by water or salt depletion in the body due to excessive sweating.

What is heat exhaustion


Typing for too long without stretching can causes this syndrome over time.

What is carpel tunnel syndrome


A forklift has many more of these than your car - areas that are hard to see.

What are blind spots


When worn while working on rotating equipment, these accessories have caused finger amputations.

What are rings


The part of uniform/clothing that is worn to prevent slip/trip/fall.

shoes/boots with good support and slip-resistant soles


The most serious heat-related illness caused by hot weather.

What is heat stroke


Symptoms of this medical emergency include chest pain, upper body discomfort, shortness of breath and cold sweats

What is heart attack/cardiac arrest


The direction a forklift should be when traveling down a ramp or decline.

What is backwards


Electricians use this PPE when working on potential live wiring.

What are non-conductive gloves. 


Slips/trips/falls are the leading cause of injury in the workplace causing __% of all accidental deaths on the job

What is 15%


An average person sweats between roughly 27 oz. to 47 oz. per hour during intense labor. To put that into perspective, an average water bottle holds about __oz.

What is 17 oz.


The 107 dB sound generated by the 17-year cicadas exceeds this regulatory limit.

What is the OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) of 90 decibels.
