FoodCorps 101
AmeriCorps Policies
Programmatic Requirements

About how many service members do we have nation-wide? 

200. Here in CT in PY23, we are trying to place 17 service members across our seven sites.


What does SM stand for? 

service member


Can your service member help you with a USDA Farm to School grant? 

No. AmeriCorps members can not write or help with any federal grants.


How many hours do service members have to serve to be eligible for the segal education award? 

1700 hours


When do service members start their service this coming year? 

August 8th


When was FoodCorps founded?

2011 (First year in CT was 2012)


What does PY stand for? 

Program Year. Next Program year is PY23, which is the 22-23 school year. 


Starting next year, we will be part of what NEW AmeriCorps program? 

Public Health AmeriCorps aka PHAC. 


How many hours of teaching must students receive before receiving the post-vegetable-preference survey? 

At least ten hours.


When do service members end their service this coming year? 

July 7th

Other than our direct service program, what other initiatives is FoodCorps involved in when it comes to nourishing school meals and food education?  

Advocacy (also acceptable: systems change work, policy change)

What job titles does a FoodCorps State Team consist of? 

Program Coordinator and Impact & Partnerships Lead. 


What holiday is a required day of service for AmeriCorps members? 

MLK Jr. Day is a required day of service for ALL AmeriCorps service members. 9/11 Day of Service is strongly encouraged but no longer required. 


How many students are service members required to teach for 10+ hours? 

80 students. 

What type of service should be limited, and needs to be pre-approved through a member's R&R Log? 



What is FoodCorps updated mission for PY23 and beyond? 

FoodCorps partners with schools & communities to nourish kids' health, education, and sense of belonging.


What does R&R Log mean?

Reporting and Reflection Log. Service members are to fill these out at the end of the week, reflecting on the past week. Site supervisors have access to these via America Learns.


What do service members have to "wear" at all times while serving? 

The AmeriCorps "A" Logo. Members will receive several pieces of uniform with the AmeriCorps A, including a nametag (with the AmeriCorps A) that they can pin to any shirt. 


What do service members have to complete each Friday evening? 

Their R&R log and timesheet. Timesheets must be approved by site supervisors on Mondays. If at any time you are unable to approve a timesheet, alert Thalia! 


While you will mostly hear from Thalia and Cat, who are some other folks at FoodCorps you may receive emails from? 

Sarah Hausman, VP of Impact Programs
Dawn Crayco, Northeast Regional Director
Curt Ellis, CEO
Dr. Robert Harvey, President, our entire HR team
Lesley Shelton, our AmericaLearns Expert
Ina Tubilleja, SM Recruitment Manager


What is FoodCorps updated vision for PY23 and beyond? 

Every child, in every school, experiences the joy and power of food. 


What does FESM stand for? 

Food Education Service Member. Technically all CT service members are Food Education Service Members, as our other cohort of SNSM (School Nutrition Service Members) is quite small at this time. With that said, CT SMs engage deeply in nourishing school meals, all while also engaging deeply with students. 


There are two categories of hours that are capped by AmeriCorps. What are they, and what are the limits? 

Fundraising = 170 hours

Training/Reflection (indirect service) = 20% of the total number of hours they serve (for example, if they serve 2000 hours, they cannot log more than 400 as training. If they serve 1700 hours, they should have less than 340 hours as training)


What does a service member and site supervisor have to complete at the halfway point and end point of service? 

An evaluation (mid term evaluation and end of term evaluation). 


Where can you find everything you need to know about FoodCorps & AmeriCorps Policies, Procedures, Rules, and Regulations? 

The FoodCorps Handbook (will share out in link form after this training).
