Date that SL started working remotely.
When is March 17th?
Tribe that Bay Area was originally inhabited by.
What is the Ohlone tribe?
The first planned park in the united states and its designer.
Where is central park? Who is Frederick Law Olmstead?
The total acerage of all active projects in the office. (type answer in chat, closest answer wins)
What is 419.5?
Company that created first approved COVID vaccine.
Who is Pfizer?
SITELAB’s legal entity name and what it stands for?
What is RC Design Collaborative, LLC? What is Rose/Crescimano?
Federal Holiday that SL switched out for Juneteenth.
What is Presidents Day?
City with most number of skyscrapers.
What is Hong Kong?
(355, 2nd New york, 280)
# of sitelabbers currently in San Francisco.
How many is eight?
(ga, se, mpc, ad, lc, lw, hs, nc)
Trick question, no eri/arthur
Singer of # 1 holiday song in US (double points if you can name the song)
Who is Mariah Carey? What is “All I want for Christmas is You”?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: First 8 digits of our VPN.
What is 192.168.200?
At least 3 actioned items so far for SL X this year.
What is website updates, holidays we celebrate, policy updates and DEI training.
Happiest city/country in the world. (double points for city)
Where is Helsinki/Finland?
(Forbes based on 6 factors Gallup World Poll and six factors: levels of GDP, life expectancy, generosity, social support, freedom and corruption income)
7 Monday activities that we’ve had this year.
What is pokemon pixel art, blind contour drawing mobility, awkward family photos, make a scene, battleship, buddy time, upside down pictionary, create music, guess the skyline, guess the city, sitelab travel guide, SL cookbook.
Name of office plant.
Who is Lisa?
# of IG followers that SL has. (everyone type in chat, closest answer wins)
How many is 1259?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: MOSAIC is an acronym for...
What is:
Mutual Respect
Open Mindedness
Attitude (A positive one!)
This person is "a significant problem".
Who is Nicole Wagy?
Team members whose iMacs were stolen this year.
Who is Tania, Lauren, Sarah and Mu-Ping.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Average age of all SITELABers including Michel. (type your guess in chat, closest answer wins)
What is 34.17