The focus of the Situational Approach is...
What is leadership in situations?
"The situational approach focuses on leadership in situations." pg. 109
The leader should pick a behavioral style based on these 2 things in the follower...
What is Confidence and Commitment?
Your TA's name is...
Who is Carson, Emma, Lilly, or Airlee?
The S2 style is called...
What is the Coaching Approach?
The researchers associated with the most important Situational leadership studies...
Who is Hersey and Blanchard, Vecchio?
Blanchard's Model stresses that leadership is composed of both...
What are directive and supportive behaviors?
Supportive behaviors are...
What is helping individuals and group members feel comfortable about themselves, their coworkers, and the situation?
High competence and High commitment is...
What is delegating?
Subordinates _________ along the developmental continuum of competence and commitment.
What is vacillate? (or alternate)
The SLII Model demands that leaders demonstrate...
What is flexibility?
Directive behaviors are...
What is clarifying, often with one-way communication, what is to be done, how it is to be done, and who is responsible for doing it?
The developmental level is...
What is the degree to which followers have the competence and commitment necessary to accomplish a given goal or activity?