U.S. Capitals
TV Game Shows
Pop Culture

Hailing from New Zealand, he was the most recent CEO of Progressive prior to Trisha Griffith.

Who is Glenn Renwick?


This capital city is one of the oldest in the United States and was the site of a famous Tea Party and Massacre leading to the American Revolution.

What is Boston (Massachusetts)?


Though his record for highest all-time Jeopardy earnings was later broken by James Holzhauer, this man still holds the record for the most consecutive Jeopardy wins with 74.

Who is Ken Jennings?


Known for playing Aunt Becky on Full House, this actress had to report to jail in October 2020 after pleading guilty to a college admissions scandal.

Who is Lori Loughlin?


This Olympic sport is similar to shuffleboard, but played on ice.

What is Curling?


This corporation makes a number of tools used by Progressive, including Accurint.

Who is Lexis Nexis?


This capital city is the furthest north and also the largest by land area.

What is Juneau (Alaska)?


Originally premiering in 1965, this shopping competition show was rebooted in 2020 with host Leslie Jones.

What is Supermarket Sweep?


After watching the Tiger King on Netflix, many viewers were left believing that she killed her husband and fed them to her tigers.

Who is Carol Baskin?


Due to various scandals, the MLB single season and all time home run record holder (Bonds) and all time hits record holder (Rose), are not in the Baseball Hall of Fame, located in this New York town.

What/Where is Cooperstown?


One of the groups that support DTI is known by the acronym DIG, which stands for this.

What is the Data Intelligence Group?


Progressive is located just outside of Cleveland, but the capital of Ohio is this city, home of the Ohio State University.

What is Columbus?


The How I Met Your Mother character Barney Stinson believed that this former Price is Right Host was his father.

Who is Bob Barker?


His song "Blinding Lights" spent 4 weeks atop the Billboard Hot 100 in 2020, helping him land the 2021 Super Bowl Halftime Show.

Who is the Weeknd?


Of the four major American sports (football, baseball, basketball, and hockey), this league is the only one that does not include any Canadian teams.

What is the NFL?


This Cleveland athlete has been the star of a series of recent commercials title "At Home with Progressive".

Who is Baker Mayfield?


The capital of New Jersey, this city was the site of a Revolutionary War battle the morning after Christmas, following Washington's midnight crossing of the Delaware River.

What is Trenton?


Contestants on this children's game show that premiered in 1986, often found themselves covered in green slime.

What is Double Dare?


This Chinese social media app soared to new heights of popularity in 2020, but is currently in the courts fighting against a ban in the United States.

What is Tik Tok?


This WNBA star announced her engagement with US Soccer star Megan Rapinoe in October 2020.

Who is Sue Bird?


Progressive MRRs get to their estimates and inspections driving Ford Escapes, know by this acronym.

What is an IRV (Immediate Response Vehicle)?


As of 2019, the state capital with the highest population is located in this Southwestern state.

What is Arizona? (Phoenix)


Answer three questions wrong on this Manhattan based game show and the driver will pull over and kick you out of the car.

What is Cash Cab?


In January 2020, this British Royal and his wife Meghan Markle, announced they were stepping down from their Royal Family duties.

Who is Prince Harry?


This two sport star, once hit a home run in MLB and scored a touchdown in the NFL in the same week. He is also the only person to play in both the Super Bowl and the World Series.

Who is Deion Sanders?
