this character is a heart render
Who is Nina?
the Dreg's rival gang
What are the black tips?
This character has a phobia of being touched
inej's knives are named after
what are saints?
this character wants vengeance for Pekka Rollins
Who is Kaz?
the grishas who were tested with jurda parem
Who are Mikka, Anya, Yuri
This character is in charge of the Hellshow and Dime Lions
Who is Pekka Rollins
This character left his father's mansion at 16 to be independent
Who is Wylan?
This character is obsessed with their guns
Who is Jesper ?
This character wants to pay off her indenture
Who is Inej?
This kind of grisha has the ability to manipulate metal
What is a Fabrikator?
This gang intercepted the shipment of Jurda Parem from the Fifth Harbor
What are the Black Tips?
These two characters met when one captured and detained the other
Who are Nina and Matthias?
this character alters people's moods
Who is Nina?
This character wants to be pardoned
Who is Matthias?
these people hunt for Grishas
This character betrayed the Dregs for the Black Tips
Who is Bolliger?
This character got a Peacock tattoo removed
Who is Inej
this character is the reason why the Dregs are successful
Who is Kaz?
Needs $ to live independently
Who is Wylan?
A holy day important for Grisha hunters with is turned to a party
What is Hringkalla
this two gangs bomb the boat they were gonna take to Fierda and attacked Kaz's crew
Who are the Black tips and Rasorgullz
this gang is represented by 5 birds in a wedge formation
Who are the Razorgulls
This character mastered invisibility and disappearing
Who is Inej
Who is Nina?