DV and IV
The Scientific Method
Control Variables

The plant on the left is growing more because it has been receiving more sunlight.

This statement is an: 

A. Inference

B. Observation 

C. Prediction

A. Inference


 Read the following hypothesis and choose the independent variable: "If the temperature of the water is increased, then the time the aspirin takes to dissolve will decrease. " Explain why. 

A. The temperature of the water

B. The time it takes the aspirin to dissolve

C. The type of aspirin, type of water, and the amount of water

A. The temperature of the water

Temperature is the variable the experimenter manipulates and it is the variable the experimenter believes causes the aspirin to dissolve slower or faster. 


What are the first three steps of the Scientific Method, in order?

1. Question

2. Hypothesis

3. Experiment 


Read the following hypothesis and choose the controlled variables and explain why. If the temperature of the water is increased, then the time the aspirin takes to dissolve will decrease. 

A. The temperature of the water

B. The time it takes the aspirin to dissolve

C. The type of aspirin, type of water, and the amount of water

C. The type of aspirin, type of water, and the amount of water. 

These are the variables which are held constant at all times in the experiment. They are held constant so that the researcher can study only the independent variable's relationship with the dependent variable. Remember that this is relationship is described in the hypothesis, and it's the reason for doing an experiment. 


I can jump high in tennis shoes because they have rubber on the bottom.

This statement is an: 

A. Inference

B. Observation 

C. Prediction

A. Inference


Read the following hypothesis and choose the dependent variable: "If the temperature of the water is increased, then the time the aspirin takes to dissolve will decrease."

A. The temperature of the water

B. The type of aspirin, type of water, and the amount of water

C. The time it takes the aspirin to dissolve

C. The time it takes the aspirin to dissolve


Which of the following hypotheses is testable and properly worded? And why?

A. If my weekly amount of exercise is increased, then my weight will decrease.

B. If I get lucky, then my weight will decrease.

A. If my weekly amount of exercise is increased, then my weight will decrease.

If, then wording. You can measure and track weekly exercise and associated changes in weight. You can quantify exercise amounts, and you can quantify weights. You can control for external variables. 


What is a constant or controlled variable?

A. A constant is what is changed in an experiment. 

B. A constant is what is measured in an experiment.

C. A constant is an educated guess about the results of an experiment. 

D. A constant is what is kept the same in an experiment.

D. A constant is what is kept the same in an experiment.


The container is filled to the 250 ml mark.

This statement is an: 

A. Inference

B. Observation

C. Prediction

B. Observation


Identify the dependent and independent variables in the following research question:

Will dogs live longer if they eat kibble or canned dog food?

DV- lifespan

IV- Type of food


What is the purpose of a scientific experiment?

The purpose of an experiment is to test out your hypothesis.


Identify a constant in the following experiment: "Do students who eat breakfast get higher test scores?" Explain why. 

A. Type of breakfast food. 

B. Having breakfast or not. 

C. Test scores

D. All of the above are constant/controlled variables

A. Type of breakfast food.


In 6 months, it will be too hot to go outside. 

This statement is an: 

A. Inference

B. Observation

C. Prediction

C. Prediction


Identify the dependent and independent variables in the following research question:

Does taking a vitamin C supplement reduce the chance of getting a cold?

IV Vitamin C or the lack of it

DV Chances of getting a cold


What is bias in the scientific method?

Bias looks like trying to prove your hypothesis instead of trying to test it. It looks like designing experiments that intentionally lead to data which will help you prove your experiment. It looks like being committed to a particular outcome. 

Why do scientists have constants in their experiments?

A. Scientists use constants so they know the results of their experiments only come from their independent variable and nothing else.

B. Scientists use constants to ensure their safety. 

C. Scientists use constants to record data more easily. 

D. Scientists use constants so their data is clear and easy to understand. 

A. Scientists use constants so they know the results of their experiments only come from their independent variable and nothing else.


When the power is turned on, the game lights up and plays a song. 

This statement is an: 

A. Inference

B. Observation

C. Prediction

B. Observation


Identify the dependent and independent variables in the following research question:

Do teenagers get in fewer car accidents if they do not listen to music while they drive?

IV Playing music/not playing music in the car while driving.

DV Number of card accidents 


What are the two main types of data that scientists collect and use to test out a hypothesis? Give an example of each type. 

Qualitative and quantitative data.

Consider the following scientific question:

Do shoes make you run faster?

Why can't the speed of the runner be a constant in the experiment?

A. The speed of the runner is the independent variable, so it cannot be a constant.

B. The speed of the runner is the dependent variable, so it cannot be a constant.

C. The speed of the runner is not measurable, so it cannot be a constant.

D. The speed of the runner can be a constant. 

B. The speed of the runner is the dependent variable, so it cannot be a constant.
