How does one become an אישה סוטה?
She goes into יחוד with another man, gets warned by her husband and still goes into יחוד again.
(If you did not include every detail stated above it is considered incorrect)
What will the נזיר segregate from?
1. Drinking wine
2. Being near a dead body
3. Cutting his hair
Hashem to Moshe
What presents did the נשיאים give?
12 Oxen
6 wagons
Why was the water consider bitter?
It isn't bitter, but for her it's bitter because from it something bitter may happen.
According to the רמבן - Why should the נזיר bring a חטאת at the end.
Because he is withdrawing from his precious and precarious relationship with Hashem.
What are the words of ברכת כהנים?
יאר ה' פניו אליך וחונך
ישא ה' פניו אליך וישם לך שלום
How did the קרבנות of the נשיאים differ from each other?
They didn't
The Rashi on ברכת כהנים says Hashem should show you smiling yellow faces (emojis)
What is in the water?
What will happen to the woman if she did sin?
What will happen to the woman if she didn't sin?
The erased name of 'ה and dust from the משכן are in the water.
If she sinned, she will implode.
If she didn't sin, she will be blessed with something children related.
Possibly- why would one become a נזיר?
He saw the אישה סוטה in her degraded state and to stop any chance of putting himself in a similar situation desired to become closer to Hashem.
And, because he just wanted to become closer to Hashem.
(Yes, BOTH answers are required for a correct answer)
Who will be blessed from ברכת כהנים when the פסוק says: וַאֲנִ֖י אֲבָרְכֵֽם
Why did קהת not get oxen or wagons?
Where was the voice of Hashem coming from and where was it heard?
(Where was it not heard?)
From between in כרובים in the קדש קדשים
Heard in the אהל מועד
Not heard outside the משכן
What is the קרבן of the סוטה?
What happens if the נזיר accidentally becomes טמאה mid-process?
He has to bring Korbanot, shave his head and restart.
Why is שלום the כלי ברכות?
Without peace, no ברכות matter because you can't appreciate anything
What did each son of לוי get from the gift of the נשיאים?
nothing - קהת
גרשון - oxen 4
2 wagons
oxen 8 - מררי
4 wagons
What is the order the נשיאים brought קורבנות?
(HINT: actual order, list the שבטים)
1. יהודה
2. יששכר
3. זבולן
4. ראובן
5. שמעון
6. גד
7. אפרים
8. מנשה
9. בנימין
10. דן
11. אשר
1) היא ענה "אמן" להכהן
2) היא שטה את מים מררים
3) היא ללכת ליחוד בבעל שלה
4) איש שלה הביא קרבן
3) היא ללכת ליחוד בבעל שלה
For the שלמים he/she would bring the basket of מצות instead
?מה האנגלית של ברכת כהנים
May Hashem bless thee and protect thee
May Hashem light His face upon thee and grant thee favor
May Hashem lift His face to thee and grant thee peace
למה המזרק אחד כסף רמז
Noach was 500 when he had a son.
He had children 20 years before the Mabul was decreed.
לפי רשי: מה הקול