Main Idea and Supporting Detail
Wild Card 1
Test-Taking Strategies (variety)
ECR Writing Prompts

What should you look for in your answer if this is your question...

Why does the author present the ideas in paragraphs 2 through 6 in chronological order? What key words/concepts should you be on the look out for?

You should look for HOW something is done. Key words such as First, Next Then, In the morning, Later on. etc. 


What do you have to do in order to get this question correct?

Answers will vary....

Write 4 and 5 next to each answer choice; draw a table top with supporting detail legs, GPS (read one above and one below) etc. 


What does RACE Stand for?

Restate and Answer the Question

Cite with Text Evidence



What does POE stand for? 

It stands for Process of Elimination...Dumb, dumb, tricky, correct 


When you see the phrase "best supports the idea" in a question, what do you need to do?

Which sentence best supports the idea that Ritchie Valens was a Rock and Roll legend?

You need the sentence that proves that Ritchie was a rock star! Which sentence helps prove that he was awesome?


Restate and Answer Time!

Writing Prompt: 

Read the play "The Return of Goldie Locks."

Explain why the Civil War divided the country. 

Responses will vary...


Which stage of plot (and stage of the problem) is this question asking you about? Paragraphs 4 through 6 help build tension in the story by--What is "build tension" code for? What stage?

Rising Action (build tension means that things are getting worse for the main character)


A. When her father examined her blurred images and aimless shots,  he advised Michelle to look through the lens and think about what the resulting picture would look like. 


What is the correct way to do the RA If this is your question?

Explain how Mario and Linda are different. 

Mario and Linda are different because....


Topic: Taylor Swift

On the whiteboard, create a complex sentence about her. 

Answers will vary


When you see the word "Organizes" what should immediately come to mind?

Organizes is code for text structure. Look for signal words in the sentences of the 7 types of structures we learned about in class...THEN see if any of them are actually happening in the GPS'd area. 


                Restate and Answer Question

Writing Prompt:

Steamboats and clippers were popular forms of transportation in the United States in the 1800s. 

Explain whether you think the steamboat or the clipper ship changed life in the United States more.

Answers will vary...teacher choice


Tell me what you know! What's the difference between 1st person point of view and 3rd person point of view?

Answers will vary...1st person...the narrator is a character in the story; 3rd person...the narrator is watching everything take place. 3rd person has and omniscient


B-Jose Andres is a celebrity chef who uses his influence on social media to rally people to volunteer in the wake of a natural disaster. 


What type of figurative language is being used in this statement? What are they trying to say about Luke?

Luke is as gentle as a giant, and he's as innocent as an angel. 

Simile --good person etc/


This is a tricky question from Ms. Moody-lol! Which text structures do A, B, and D represent?

A represents Compare and Contrast (but mostly she and the others are alike)

B represents Sequencing (from Chronological/Sequential Order)

D represents Cause & Effect


What does the phrase "main problem" or "main conflict" in the story mean? 

It means that there might be more than 1 problem or conflict in the story. Your job is to figure out which one is the BIGGEST problem in the story. 


Restate and Answer Practice 

Read the selections “Rewards for Recycling” and “Laws for Less Trash.” 

Based on the information in the selections, write a response to the following: Explain your opinion about why people should or should not be rewarded for recycling

Answers will vary 


What is hidden from the reader as a result of the story being told from the first-person point of view? What does the phrase "hidden from the reader" mean?

It means...what do you NOT know 


A. Dr. Brown composed an email to provide her students with both strengths and suggestions to improve her draft. 


C. Convey the variations between two mountains.


This morning you are at LPS's 5th grade Reading Boot Camp. On the whiteboard, write a comma in a series sentence about today. 

 Is this really worth 400? Yep! Looks like you hit the jackpot (if you write the question correctly). 


What does the word DEMONSTRATE mean in this question?

It demonstrates how happy the dog is to be outside.  

Demonstrate means to show...

It shows how happy the dog is to be outside. 


Restate and Answer Question

Read the poem "One Saturday." 

Explain how the speaker's feelings about the grandparents change as they spend time together. 

Student responses will vary. 


Why is the setting of this story critical? What is this question really asking?

Critical means important. Why is where the story is taking place important? How does it contribute to the story?


C. Plastic water bottles have become an environmental nightmare. 


Is there a grammar mistake in the sentence below? If so, what is it?

Many of the children were happy, after watching the movie Wonder. 

Yep! The comma after happy needs to be removed. 

AFTER is an AAAWWUBBIS word-and because it's in the middle of the sentence-a comma is NOT needed. 


During yesterday's fire drill, Sri got in trouble. 

Look closely at this sentence. What changes, if any, should be made to it. In other words, is it written correctly or should changes be made?

It is written correctly! Baby+comma+ momma (Complex sentence written correctly)


What does the word "infer" mean?

To tell; to show etc. 


Read the play "The Return of Goldie Locks." 

Explain why the Confederate Union lost the Civil War. 

Responses will vary. 
