This bone moves in multiple different directions during movements of the shoulder joint
Take a hard fall? You just might break this bone also know as the tailbone
Break a leg! the upper portion of your leg preferably
Referred to as knuckles, these bones pack a serious punch
Commonly referred to as the "breastbone" this bone has an irregular shape and it located in the center of ones chest
Hips don't lie, and neither do these bones that make up part of the hips
Illium, Ishium
this bone, commonly referred to as the knee cap
if you live in New jersey, you may use these bones quite a bit while driving.
Phalanges of the hand/digits
Running from the base of the skull all the way down to the tailbone, this series of bones is why humans are referred to as "vertebrates"
Spinal Chord, Spine
This bone makes up the middle of the pelvis on the posterior side of the body
This bone is the larger of the two, it is near the gastrocnemius muscle
Stub this and you're in of r a world of hurt
Distal phalanges of the foot
Although its name may be funny, rest assured that without this bone, human life would not be comedic.
This bone supports the body while sitting
The shorter and thinner of the two lower leg bones
The heel bone is known by this name
This pair of bones make up the forearm
Radius, Ulna
The top region of a long bone, this is where the hips end and the legs begin
Femoral Head, top of femur
Roll these bones, and you're in for a bad time
Tallus, Lateral Malleolus
Also the name of a shape, this is just one of the many bones of your wrist joint