long middle section of a long bone is called this
Slightly movable joints
Structure that produces the fluid in a joint capsule
Synovial membrane
Name the 6 skeletal functions.
Support, movement, protection, Hematopoiesis, fat storage, mineral storage
Accumulation of fluid behind the knee
Baker's cyst
Area in bone that hematopoiesis occurs
Red Bone marrow
Joints permitting movement in 2 perpendicular axes & 2 perpendicular planes
Biaxial Joints
Elongated bursae around tendons to increase gliding activity
Synovial sheaths
Transverse canals in bone that allow blood, lymph, & nerves to supply nutrients across the bone
Volkmann Canals
Disorders of the jaw & its muscles or both
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
Hormone produced to release calcium from bones when blood calcium is low.
Parathyroid hormone
Only example of this type of joint are the thumb joints on each hand
Saddle joints
Structural joint classification in which there is no joint capsule; Joint is due to dense connective tissue; relatively no movement
Fibrous Joint
Structure that can rearrange itself in bone if stress changes direction
Softening & degeneration of the articular cartilage on the posterior patella
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Small bones commonly embedded in tendons
Sesamoid bones
Name the 2 multiaxial joints
1 Ball & socket. 2 Gliding.
Packing material that fills spaces in joint cavity
Fat pads
Hormone that is produced when blood calcium is high and causes the osteoblasts to absorb calcium into bones
Lateral curvature of the spine, usually in the thoracic region
Bone structure that causes bones to lengthen in growing kids/teens
Epiphyseal plate
Joint type that allows for rotation
Sleeve that forms the joint between 2 articulating bones
Joint Capsule
When the growth plate hardens, this is left behind
Epiphyseal line
Recurrent form of arthritis caused by a bacterium transferred to someone by a tick bite
Lyme Disease