a shark has this many bones
what is 0
the strongest bone in a human
what is femur
the appendicular skeleton has this many bones in it
what is 126
what is the main purpose of the axial skeleton
what is protecting vital organs
the human skeleton consists of this many bones
what is 206
a cat has this many bones
what is 250
the scientific name for the skull
what is cranium
the main purpose of the appendicular skeleton
what is movement
what is the name of the bone that protects the brain
what is skull
babies have this many bones
what is 300
a dog has this many bones
what is 321
the scientific name for the shoulder bone
what is scapula
what is the name of the lower arm bones
what is radius and ulna
what is the name of the bones that protects the heart and lungs
what is ribcage
you are this old when you have 206 bones
what is 25
a giraffe has this many bones
what is 170
the scientific name for the collar bone
what is clavicle
what is the name of the lower leg bones
what is fibula and tibia
the axial skeleton consists of this many bones
what is 80
what is the largest bones in the human body
what is femur
a tiger has this many bones
what is 432
the scientific name for the tailbone
what is coccyx
what is the name of the upper arm bone
what is humerus
the skull consists of this many bones
what is 22
the smallest bone in a human body
what is stapes