Identified as true and false
Bone of the heel
Lubrication of joints
Synovial fluid
Second class lever system
In compact bone, blood vessels travel through the
Central canal
Bone that forms the nasal septum
Bone that supports body weight when sitting down
Fulcrum in the middle like a see-saw
First class lever
Distance between the joint and muscle attachment
Effort arm
Most abundant mineral in bone
Calcium phosphate
Large neck muscles attach to the
Mastoid process
Scapula articulates at the humerus at this joint
Glenohumeral joint
Attaching muscle to bone
The ratio of output force to it's input force
Mechanical advantage
Allows for growth of bone but in adulthood is known as
Epiphyseal line
Spongy bone in the cranium
Region containing tibia and fibula
Crural region
The two multiaxial joints in the body
Shoulder (glenohumeral) and hip (coxal)
Forumla for calculating lever forces
E* Ea= R* Ra
Marrow cavity of an adult bone contains this tissue
Myeloid tissue
The parietal bone is surrounded by these 4 sutures
Sagittal, coronal, lambdoid, squamous
Contains the greater and lesser tubercles
Posterior side of the elbow
Olecranon bursa
Effort for the muscle given that...
R: 150
Ra: 20
Ea: 22
E = 136.6
Process where preexisting bone develops from previous cartilage
Endochondral ossification