The bones that are not considered your torso are known as ____ skeleton.
What is Appendicular Skeleton?
This bone has openings for your ear canal.
What is temporal bone?
This is the name of the hip bone.
What is coxal bone?
We have this many metacarpals.
What is 5?
This bone is also known as your heel.
What is the calcaneus?
This is another name for cancellous bone.
What is spongy bone?
This bone is the only bone of your face that moves.
What is the mandible?
These are the parts of the hip bone.
What are the ilium, ischium, and pubis?
This finger does not have a middle phalange.
What is the thumb?
You have 3 tarsal bones that share this same name.
What is the cuneiforms? (Medial, Middle, Lateral)
These bones are cube shaped.
What is short bones?
This is another name for C1, the atypical cervical vertebrae.
What is the atlas?
This is the largest and strongest bone in the body.
What is the femur?
There are this many carpal bones in the wrist/hand.
What is 8 bones?
You have this many phalanges in each foot.
What is 14?
This is the name of the type of bones that make up your vertebrae.
What is irregular bones?
The curvature causes your lower back to be curved in too far.
What is lordosis?
The patella is this type of bone.
What is sesamoid bone?
The carpal bones help to create this area that looks like an arch.
What is the carpal tunnel?
This toe only has two phalanges.
What is the hallux? (Big Toe)
Bones make up a certain percentage of adult body weight.
What is 20%?
This bone is triangular shaped.
What is the scapula?
This bone is located laterally in your shin.
What is the fibula?
There are this many bones in the hand.
What is 27 bones?
This is the name of the arch we think of when looking at the foot.
What is the longitudinal arch?