Patrick Dempsey has a connection to what national ski team?
The US ski team
who is the newest CNEPH couple?
Mats Halvorsen and Elie-Anne Tremblay
what eastern skier has a crazy glasses tan line in their strava profile photo?
Mats Halvorsen
what snowboarder did tony strike out with?
Brooke D’Hondt
what canadian turned NCAA skier quit his home-club during a camp, in the middle of a baseball game?
Jonah Steinberg
what team does Luke Jager and Novie McCabe ski for?
APU and the US national ski team
what couple (or situation) went for ramen their first dinner date.
Sarah Cullinan and Alexis Ermel
what former canadian skier just announced that they are on their way to the world cup and their DM's are open (publicly on their instagram)
Gabriel Gledhill
what athlete had to call tormod out on being too aggressive during a ultimate game at a camp this summer?
Olivia Bouffard-Nesbitt
who had a Strava post titled "Air canada, you can lose my ski baggage but you cant lose my emotional baggage"
Max Mahaffy
what is Jessie Cockney's homeclub?
What couple was caught recently in downtown canmore holding hands.
Alison Mackie and Benjamin Brousseau
who of the following athletes has the most followers.
Anna Parent, Tom Stephen, Xavier McKeever, Anna Stewart.
(Bonus points if you guess how many they have to the nearest hundred)
Xavier Mckeever
what one of our teammates has a lip job?
Gillian Gowling
Who cant make a team stick?
Taschi Klaschka
who is the head coach of Ski Defond Montreal
Corinne Mélançon
what is KJS new boyfriends name? (first and last)
bonus points for how they placed at strides and glides.
Matthew Keller
what CNEPH athlete has 204 followers and is following 118. (strava)
(hint: her ex boyfriend was mentioned in another column)
Liliane Gagnon
how many current team mates have been in an inter-team relationship. (even if the other person is off the team now)
what eastern athlete said a very inappropriate Norwegian comment to Julia Mehre Ystgaard. So terrible she had to say "safe sport" and back away slowly from them.
Leo Grandbois
Manitoba ski team.
Sovereign ski team.
BC ski team.
Who is a the new french couple?
(hint: tony had a hard time saying hi to the girlfriend this weekend)
Jenna Price and Ettiene Melacom
how many (current) AWCA members does Gus Schumacher follow on instagram.
What world cup skier has graphically made out with our social media manager.
(hint: this skier is applicable/ relevant to canadian skiing)
Joe Davies
what American skier (that spent a summer training on the academy) is rumored to have been in a relationship with Petter Northug?
(hint: a past AWCA athlete has hooked up with her too.)
Lauren Jortberg