What does the S stand for in SEEDS?
Is Growth Mindset a CBT or DBT skill?
True or false: water represents our difficult situations
FALSE! Lemons represent our difficult situations.
If you could have lunch with anyone in the world who would it be?
If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
How many hours of sleep should you aim to get a night?
8-10 hours!
What does, "my brain is like a muscle" mean?
It means, we can exercise our brain like other muscles in our body by challenging it with difficult situations to grow and get stronger.
What are the 3 ingredients in lemonade?
Sugar, water, and lemons
Would you rather have a puppy or a kitten?
What is your favorite kind of chip?
What does the E stand for in SEEDS? You can name either, or both!
Exercise, Eat
Give an example of two things now, that you couldn't do a year ago.
Ride a bike, multiplication, read, other appropriate answers accepted.
What does the sugar stand for?
Glimmers of positivity
Would you rather have dessert for breakfast every day or breakfast for dessert?
Sounds good!
Would you rather only be able to pizza for the rest of your life or never be able to eat pizza again?
Oh yes!!
Give an example of Hygiene and Hobbies (Self-Care)
Hygiene: brushing teeth, showering, washing face, putting deodorant on, wearing fresh
If we replace our ANT with a growth mindset statement, how does that make us feel? Ex. If I think "This will take hard work, but I can keep trying!", how does that make me feel?
Happy, calm, excited, proud, motivated, encouraged.
Give an example of a time lemons to lemonade would be helpful for you.
Ex. School, fighting with siblings, losing electronics
What's one thing you wish you could do?
Would you rather be able to pick up things with your feet or be able to walk on your hands?
So true!!
What does each letter of SEEDS stand for?
Sleep, Eating, Exercise, Doctor's Orders, Self-Care
Turn this fixed mindset statement into a growth mindset statement. "I am not in control of my voice or body"
"I am learning skills to help me be in control of my voice and body"
Give an example of using lemons to lemonade when you lose your electronics. *think about a glimmer of something positive in that situation
Ex. “If I show expected behaviors now, at least I'll get them back sooner”, “At least I can go play outside now”, “At least I can bake cookies now”.
If you wanted to make everyone on the planet smile, what would you do?
So nice!