This tactic helps us rate how strong our feelings are, how focused our thinking is, and how well we are able to interact with other people
What is the Feelings Rating Scale?
The 2 Categories of Skills are...
What are All the Time Skills and Calm Only Skills?
We give a thumbs-up to urges to vent feelings, because venting makes me feel more in control.
What is FALSE?
When we are at this level, we are not experiencing a particular emotion at this time.
What is Level 0?
The 5 All The Time Skills are...
What is...
The 6 Clear Picture DOs Are...
What is …?
3 Things Are True about goals:
What is …?
The THREE System Tools are...
What is...
Feelings Rating Scale
Categories of Skills
Recipe for Skills
2 of these pictures are NOT a part of the Calm Only Skills...
What is...
The 4 parts of On Track Thinking are…
What is…?
At this level our thinking may be affected, but we can still talk and listen and are able to have 2-way street relationships with others.
What is a Level 3?
In a two-person conversation, ONLY one person needs to be at Level 3 or below in order to use Calm Only Skills.
What is False?
We take a moment, before taking action, to decide whether taking the action will lead us to our goal. This is the definition of…
What is Check It?
When we roll our eyes, sigh, and make snippy comments to the person we are talking to, we are...
ABOVE or BELOW a Level 3
What is above a Level 3?
This tool helps us know the minimum number of skills to use at all levels for feelings.
What is The Recipe for Skills?
If I scream at him, I will feel bad about it afterwards. I have to figure out something else to do instead. This is an example of…
What is Turn It?