
How do ask for help in the classroom?

Raise your hand, and wait to be called on.

Quietly ask a classmate sitting next to you.


Should your personal bubble with your mailman be the same as your personal bubble with a classmate?

No, you know your classmate better than you know your mailman; therefore, your personal bubble should be bigger with the mailman in comparison to your classmate.


How do you know when someone is mad?

Their eyebrows are scrunched together, mouth is pursed, and eyes are squinted. They may slam something, throw or kick something, make wild hand gestures, cross their arms, or put their hands on their hips. 


What are some things you can say to let a person know you can't talk without being rude?

I'm sorry... I'd love to chat but... I have to go but... we should talk about that later... I'd love to hear more when I have the time....


How should your binders be organized?

Papers filed by class... no loose papers in binder... agenda filled out completely... homework in homework section (completed/unfinished)... pencils in pencil bag....


If your teacher gives you an assignment that is difficult to understand, what should you do?

Read over the directions. Figure out exactly what you don't understand, and then ask for clarification.


You are playing your favorite video game when your mom comes home from the grocery store. Your mom asks you to help her carry in the groceries, but your game doesn't have a save option. What should you do?

Help your mom with the groceries. It's just a game. Your mom is a real person with real needs.


What are some nonverbal cues that someone isn't interested in what you're saying?

Looking away... looking at phone... looking at watch... no eye contact... nodding but not focused on speaker... body turned away from speaker....


How long should a response be in a conversation between two people?

1-3 sentences


If you're having a difficult time staying focused in class, what should you do?

Take a short break... get a drink, go to the bathroom, do the sensory circuit, puzzle, change your posture, get a fidget, etc.


You're working on a group project, but one of your group members isn't doing any of the work. What should you do?

In a kind tone, ask the group member to complete their work or ask the group member if they need help understanding what is expected of them. Then let the teacher know if the group member doesn't pull their weight (before the assignment is due). *If you wait on letting the teacher know, then everyone might take the fall for the assignment being incomplete.

How do you determine if someone is a friend or foe?

A friend will be someone who is kind to you and wants to spend time with you. The relationship benefits both people.

A foe can be mean at times and may only want to hang out when it benefits them. The relationship does not benefit both people.


If someone is sitting hunched over with their head in their hands, what emotion might they be feeling?

Worried... sad... stressed....

How loud should you speak to your friend when your watching a movie at the theater?

Trick question! You shouldn't speak. You'll bother everyone else around you.


If someone is reading their test questions out loud during a test, what should you do?

Ignore them. Focus on your test. If you're struggling to focus, ask for noise-cancelling headphones or to test elsewhere.

Don't say anything to the classmate. Your teacher might think you're trying to cheat. Also, your teacher will handle it without you saying anything to the student.


You walk into the classroom 20 minutes late due to a doctor's appointment. How do you determine the expected behavior since you missed the initial instruction from the teacher?

Take in your surroundings. What is everyone else doing? Mimic their volume, demeanor, focus. Also, wait for your teacher to provide you with instruction before copying what your peers are doing.


How do you know what behaviors are worth copying? 

You can copy expected behaviors - behaviors that are socially acceptable. Won't get you in trouble.

You shouldn't copy behaviors that go against classroom expectations or behaviors that are not socially acceptable. Can get you in trouble.


If someone is making a fist, how might you determine if the person is mad or not?

Look at the other nonverbal cues- smile vs. gritted teeth. Aggressive behaviors such as leaning toward someone.


You and a classmate both want to choose Brazil for a class project, but only one person can have it. What should you do?

Find a way to problem-solve

Example: rock, paper, scissors. Find another country that is just as interesting in case you don't win.


How do you begin a conversation with someone?

By saying their name, giving eye contact, turning your body toward the person, tapping them on the shoulder if need be AND THEN waiting until you have their attention before speaking.


Your teacher is giving a lesson on South America. More specifically, she tells the class that the Amazon Rainforest is the world's largest tropical rainforest, and it is known for its biodiversity. You really want to tell the class that Francisco de Orellana was the first explorer to navigate the entire Amazon River which is found in the Amazon Rainforest. Is it an appropriate thing to tell the class in the moment? Why?

No. Your teacher's discussion is centered around the rainforest and not the river. Also, she's talking about its current size and features... not the past.


Can you have a friendship with someone who doesn't like the same things that you like?

Yes; however, it'll be more difficult to build on the friendship unless you try to learn more about one another's interests. 

It's easier to make friends with someone who likes some of the same things that you like. More talking points between you both.


Your talking during the video that's being played in Science. Your teacher walks over to where you're seated and just stands there staring at you with her arms crossed. Why is she doing this?

She's showing you that she's not happy with your behavior. She's wanting you to be quiet during the video.


How do you know when someone is using sarcasm?

Sarcasm is when someone means the opposite of what they're saying. Tone, word choice, and body language are giveaways when determining if someone is being sarcastic.


If your teacher is talking to another student and you jump into the conversation, what might your teacher think?

Your teacher might think you should stay out of the conversation since it doesn't pertain to you. They might be frustrated or agitated since the conversation didn't directly involve you.
