At the Doctor
At home
What should you do?
Why do we do this?

You are feeling nervous about your appointment, what should you do before leaving the house?

Tell mom and talk about a plan. Bring something to play with during appointment


You go to get cereal and see that there is no milk. What can you do?

Be flexible! Eat cereal without milk. Choose another breakfast food.

Let mom know that there is no milk so she can pick some up next time she goes to the store


What is carolines favorite car? 

Trick question - AUDI! 


What should you do if you don't understand the directions the teacher gave?

Ask the teacher to explain it again, they love when you speak up and participate! You can also ask an adult around you for help (not just mom)


Why do we brush our teeth?

To keep our teeth healthy and our breath fresh! If we don't take care of our teeth we will have to spend more time at the dentist. 

Not brushing could cause cavities or cause our braces to stay on longer.


You arrive at a doctor appointment and you are feeling bored. You start yelling and go from a 2 to a 4. What should you do instead?

Tell mom you are feeling bored and need help figuring out a solution. Use your toy you brought as a coping strategy


You don't like something that your sibling is doing. What can you do?

Use an I statement telling them what you are feeling and why.


What is the fastest lambo?

Aventador SVJ


You are watching TV and you are told to do a task

Ask appropriately if you can finish what you are watching. If the answer is no use your coping statements to remind yourself you can come back to it later! People have to pause activities all the time


Why do we take the correct day of medicine?

To keep us on schedule. If you forgot if you took your medicine you can check your box! Sometimes there are different medicines in different days so we have to take the correct day that mom put in.


You have to get an IV. You are feeling really nervous, like a 4. What can you do to feel better?

Tell mom and the doctors you are feeling really nervous about the IV. Use your toy or ask mom to use her phone to watch a video while they put in the IV. (Use coping statements! "Doctors know what they are doing" or "i've done this before, I am safe")


You want to watch youtube but the TV is being used already. What can you do?

Ask if you can have a turn and accept the answer given. 

Be flexible! Find something else to do so you still have a fun time


What is the average price of a lambo?



What should you do if your computer restarts during class?

Stay calm! This happens sometimes with technology. Use calm kind communication if you need help. Turn your computer back on and rejoin class, the teacher will understand and be proud of you for coming back. 


Why do we complete homework assignments?

To help us learn the material and get good grades. We want good grades to pass school! This helps us get a job in the future. 


Why is it important to use kind and calm communication at the doctor?

So mom and the doctors know how to help you and help make you feel more comfortable. The more calm you are, the quicker you will be done! Doctors need to be able to focus on what they are doing.


You want to spend time with mom but she has work in a few minutes. What can you do?

Tell mom you want to spend time with her and plan a time to play when you both are available.


What is the most expensive lambo?

Veneno Roadster 


What should you do if you are feeling nervous about something?

Kindly and calmly tell an adult/sibling what you are feeling and why. If you have a coping statement for the situation remember to pause and use it 


Why do we use calm and kind communication?

People can understand us better when we are talking calmly. 

If we are yelling people will not understand what we need.


If you have to do a new procedure or one that feels scary, what can you do?

Tell an adult you are feeling scared! (calm and kind) Ask them to go over what will happen. Use your coping statements! "They know what they are doing" "I am safe" "Doctors know how to complete this procedure, they do it all the time!" 


Your sibling moved one of your toys. What can you do?

PAUSE! Remind yourself that they love you and did not do this to make you mad.

Use a coping strategy to help feel closer to a 1 or a 2. 

Use coping statements to remind yourself "my stuff is ok" "I can still like it, that is just a thought and it isn't true" 


Where are Lamborghini's made?


What should you do if you notice you are starting to feel mad?

Pause!! Do something that will make you feel better/happy at the end of your feelings chain


Why do we use coping strategies?

To help us feel better and make calm and kind actions
