Emotion Regulation & Interpersonal Effectiveness
Distress Tolerance & Mindfulness
Skills Coaching 101
Real-Life Scenarios
Wild Card

This skill is taking care of your mind by taking care of your body.

What is the PLEASE skill?


This is paying attention in an intentional way, without judgment, while staying fully present in the moment.

What is mindfulness?


Skills coaching is good for:

a) Learning new skills

b) Integrating skills learned at 3East into real life

c) Asking for help

d) All of the above

What is all of the above?


This is the module you would use to give your roommate feedback on a behavior you find annoying.

What is interpersonal effectiveness?


This communicates to another person that their thoughts, feelings, and actions are understandable in a given situation.

What is validation?


This skill is doing things that make you feel competent and effective by setting goals for yourself that are achievable yet challenging.

What is building mastery?


This skill is thinking about the positive and negative aspects of different choices in a given situation.

What is pros and cons?


These are four types of staff members who you can receive skills coaching from.

What are CRCs, educators, therapists, and psychiatrists?


True or false: GIVE is the most effective skill to use when asking for something or setting a limit.

What is false?


This failure of mentalization is thinking that everyone around you thinks or feels the same way you do.

What is psychic equivalency?


This is a dress rehearsal for stressful events.

What is coping ahead?


These are the What skills and How skills of mindfulness.

What is POD (what skill) and NEO (how skill)?


This is the acronym we use to approach a problem and what it stands for.

What is SCREW (Solve the problem, Change the relationship to the problem, Radically accept the problem, Entertain misery, Worsen the problem)?


This is the module you would use if you are on an outing and get triggered.

What is distress tolerance?


This 3East staff member is from South Africa.

Who is Blaise Aguirre?


This is the action urge for shame.

What is hiding?


Explain the diver's reflex and how it relates to an ice dive.

Cold water/ice on the vagus nerve triggers the diver's reflex, which shuts down all non-essential systems in the brain to conserve energy. This calms down the body's physiology.


This is the person who can help you from 10pm-9am who can provide skills coaching.

What is SCOC (skills coach on call)?


You are on pass and are having a hard time. You have used 3 skills and are still struggling. What should you do next?

What is call the unit for skills coaching?


This singer has been open about their struggle with bipolar disorder and an eating disorder and has been an advocate for these causes.

Who is Demi Lovato?


Name 3 core emotions and name the action urge for each emotion.

Shame (hide); Guilt (repair); Sadness (withdraw/slow down); Fear (escape/avoid); Anger (attack); Disgust (reject/distance); Jealousy (protect); Envy (take); Joy (do more of the same); Love (pursue/maintain).


_______ is the opposite of being effective.

What is willfulness?


These are the intensive unit phone numbers.

617-855-4504 or 617-855-4508


A staff member forgets to follow through on a request you made. This is the skill you can use to see things from their perspective (hint: this is not a DBT module).

What is mentalizing?


This is a large species of lizard that has a poisonous bite. They are known to bite their prey (such as deer, pigs, and water buffalo) and then stalk them for miles until their prey falls victim to their poison.

What is the komodo dragon?
