These are the 4 "modules" of DBT. (must name all 4)
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Emotion Regulation
Distress Tolerance
An acronym, CBT stands for __________
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
The serenity prayer.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
The average adult should have this many hours of sleep.
7-9 hours
What other unnatural hair color has she had?
An acronym, there are the 4 skills associated with TIPP
Intense exercise
Progressive muscle relaxation
Paced breathing
A cognitive distortion in which you focus on the worst case scenario.
On average, a craving will last this long.
5-20 minutes
An acronym, the SUDS scale measures this, often associated with anxiety or trauma symptoms.
(what does this stand for?)
Subjective Units of Distress
She has this many pet(s).
Bonus: +100 points for each name
2 cats - Miso & Tony
This is an emotion regulation skill to change an uncomfortable emotion that does not fit the facts of the situation.
Opposite Action
Behaviors, thoughts, feelings
These are the 3 stages of relapse.
Emotional relapse, mental relapse, physical relapse
These are positive qualities reflected in our personal thoughts, feelings, and actions that promote well-being.
Character Strengths
The sport that she played.
Bonus: +100 points for the correct position
Softball - pitcher/3rd base
The founder of Dialectical Behavior Therapy.
Marsha Linehan, PhD
A belief or central idea about the self, others, or the world, often developed in early childhood.
Core belief
The lingering effects of substance use withdrawal in early stages of recovery, PAWS stands for _____.
Post-acute withdrawal syndrome
Common and strong emotions such as fear, happiness, sadness, and anger, and occur as a first reaction to an event are known as ________.
Primary Emotions
She grew up in this area/state.
Southern California - Huntington Beach
This skill is intended to help us develop effective interpersonal communication that will help us get our needs met and develop healthy relationships.
Bonus: +100 if acronym is deciphered.
Appear confident
A cognitive distortion where you look at things in black and whites or extremes without a middle ground.
All-or-nothing thinking
According to the transtheoretical model, there are 5 stages of change.
(100pts for each stage)
The Yin and Yang of self-compassion looks at these characteristics.
Yin - comforting, soothing, validating
- being with ourselves, feminine, caring
Yang - protecting, providing, motivating
- being with others, masculine, fierce
This is where she is moving to.
State - 300 points
Area/county - 400 points
City - 500 points
Columbia Falls, Montana
(northwest, Flathead county, glacier)