
Goal Setting 

The ability to identify short and long-term goals in a way that is realistic, specific, and motivating helps students to stay on track and maintain progress when the going gets tough. This skill set also includes the ability to adjust goals when necessary.


Program expectations and requirements

The sooner and more

thoroughly a student

understands the

qualifications. processes, and

expectations for successiul

completion of their

educational program.

the more tarapted and

efficient their plans and

strategies will be,


I have the knowledge

and skills I need

to succeed

When feeling adequately

equipped, a student's

confidence increases and

motivates them to overcome

the inevitable challenges that

will arise while in school.


Resource Management

In order to focus on their education. Students need safety and stability. They need to ensure their external demands are manageable, that necessary resources are accessible, and that they are able to speak and be heard by those in power.


Available resources

and supports

In order to benefit from the

support and resources

available to them while

they re In school, students

need to know what those

resources are and how to access them.


I can learn

and grow

Intelligence and ability are not

static, but can be increased

and improved through effort

and access to resources. As

students embrace this belief.

they are better able to

overcome obstacles, leverage

their strengths, and improve in

areas they find more



Self Advocacy

Every student is unique and

has different needs and

goals. As students build their

ability to articulate their

needs and request support

from relevant audiences

effectively, they increase their

likelihood of achieving their

desired outcomes.


School culture and opportunities

As students acclimate to school,

they begin to learn the culture of

the classrooms, campus,

administration, and student body.

As their understanding grows, they

can better build the coalitions anc


unity that will suoport their

goals. Similarly, understanding

opportunities at and through their

institution empowers students to

get the most out of their

educational experience.


I deserve


There are many reasons,

personal and cultural, that

students may be hesitant or

resistant to taking advantage

of support resources. The

stronger a student's

willingness to access and

utilize support, the more likely

their educational success.


Time Management

Adding school to an already

full life requires students to

prioritize, plan, and exercise

conscious control over the

amount of time spent on

specific activities in the

process of working toward

their goals.



Options for paying

for my education

When students have clarity

on the requirements and long

term expectations of funding

their academic goals, they

can feel more confident about

her decisions to pay for their education.


I am part of a

community that

supports my goals

When a student feels a

sense of belonging as part

of a community that

supports their goals, they

are more likely to maintain

focus and motivation.


Self Care

School requires focus and

energy, so it is important for

students to pay attention to

the necessary practices and

resources needed to maintain

physical, emotional, and

mental wellness while in

school, including proactively

accessing support and resources as needed.


My strengths,

goals and values

Self-knowledge supports all

facets of students

development as students

gain clarity about their own

unique skills, experiences.

abilities and motivations, the

can succeed on a path that's right for them.


I am here

for a reason

Students that feel a strong

sense of purpose related to

their educational efforts are

more likely to persist and

achieve their goals. Purpose

also supports deeper

satisfaction and resilience as

they progress through thein

educational journey.
