DBT Skills
Seeking Safety
Shame Resilience
Relationship Skills

This skill has to do with comforting, nurturing and being gentle and kind to yourself.

What is Self-Soothing?


This is a name for a "sign of danger," or a sign that distress or relapse may be coming

What is a red flag?

One says "I am bad" and the other says "I did something bad."

What is the difference between shame and guilt?


These are the limits and rules we set for ourselves within relationships

What is boundaries?


This is what is behind your feelings, behaviors and physical reactions

What is core beliefs, assumptions/attitudes/rules, situations and automatic thoughts?


Name three examples of self-soothing skills using the six senses

Vision: Looking at something beautiful, Closing eyes and imagining a safe space

Hearing: Listening to calming music, sounds

Smell: Lighting a scented candle, smelling something sweet, using favorite body wash or shampoo

Taste: Eating favorite food or beverage

Touch: Rubbing a soft blanket, massaging own hands

Movement: Rocking self gently, stretching, going for a run, yoga


List 5 examples of a "red flag"

(50 bonus points per each extra example)

1- Isolation

2- Not taking care of my body (food, sleep)

3- Fighting with people

4- Lying

5- Skipping Treatment

6- Stop taking meds

7- Becoming cynical or negative

8- Not learning or using coping skills

9- Spending time with people who use or tempt you to use

10- Feeling stressed with too much responsibility

11- Become defensive or paranoid about how people are treating me

12- Skipping school or work

13- Feeling stuck

14- Too much free time

15- Feeling passive or hopeless about recovery ("Why Bother?)


This is the first element of shame resilience

What is recognizing shame and understanding our triggers?


Someone with the following traits is displaying what type of boundaries?

-Avoiding intimacy and close relationships

-Unlikely to ask for help

-Few close relationships

-May seem detached, even from romantic partners

-Keeps others at a distance to avoid the possibility of rejection

(100 bonus points if you share a time when you used this type of boundary)

What is rigid boundaries?


These are three types of "thinking traps"

(50 bonus points for each additional thinking trap)

(additional 50 bonus points if you can share an experience of falling into this thinking trap from the last week, and how you got yourself out of it)

1- jumping to conclusions

2- catastrophizing

3- black and white thinking

4- making a mountain out of a molehill

5- making a molehill out of a mountain

6-"if once, then always"

7- "it's not you, it's me"

8- Walking with blinders on


This is a concrete skill you can use to tolerate and survive a crisis situation when you can't change your circumstances right away. The goal of this skill is to get through a bad situation without making it worse.

What is distress tolerance skills?


This helps you identify your warning signs and ways to respond to them.

What is a safety plan? 


These are the four attributes of empathy (100 points per correct answer)

1- Perspective Taking- the capacity to put ourselves in someone else's shoes

2- Withholding judgment

3- Recognizing emotions

4- Communication of understanding


Someone with the following traits is displaying what type of boundaries?

-Oversharing personal information

-Difficulty saying "no" to the requests of others

-Overinvolved in others' problems

-Dependent on the opinions of others

-Accepting of abuse or disrespect

-Fears rejection if you don't comply with others

(100 bonus points if you share a time when you used this type of boundary)

What are porous boundaries?


This is a type of thought that comes into your mind without you intentionally thinking about it

What is an automatic negative thought?


This is when you should use your crisis survival skills (100 points for each correct answer)

-When having intense pain that cannot be helped quickly

-Wanting to act in your Emotion Mind and it would only make things worse

-Having emotional distress that is becoming overwhelming

-When your overwhelming feelings get in the way of meeting demands


These are the levels of red flags and what they mean.

What is mild danger (starting to show signs of distress), moderate danger (getting serious- watch out), and serious danger (emergency!)


We can use these to recognize feelings of shame (50 bonus points if you can share an experience of each one)

What is my senses and physical sensations?

-Physically, I feel shame in my...






Someone with the following traits is displaying what type of boundaries?

--Values own opinions

-Doesn't compromise values for others

-Shares personal information in an appropriate way (doesn't under or over share)

-Knows personal wants and needs and can communicate them

-Accepting of when others say "no" to them

(100 bonus points if you share a time when you used this type of boundary)

What is healthy boundaries?


This is the main way to challenge your automatic negative thoughts

What is evaluating the evidence for and against the thought or core belief?


These are the 6 types of crisis survival skills to help you cope with overwhelming negative emotions in the moment.

100 bonus points if you can explain how they are used.

STOP Skill (for stopping yourself from engaging in impulsive behavior)

TIPP Skills (for changing body chemistry)

Distracting (using Wise Mind ACCEPTS)

Self-Soothing (using the 6 senses)

Improving the moment

Pros and Cons


Knowing your danger signs is especially important in early recovery because research shows this is the amount of time you are most vulnerable to relapse

What is first 90 days of sobriety?


What feelings do you identify from this experience: 

"I'm ashamed because I always hate my life. No matter what I have and no matter how much I have, I'm always disappointed with my life. I always think to myself, "If only I had this or that, I would be happy." Then I'm still not happy. I can't talk about it with anyone because everyone is sick of hearing how disappointed and sad I am about everything all the time. I just can't seem to pull it together and find happiness."

What is

-feelings of being stuck








These are the 6 types of boundaries, with an explanation of each (50 points for each correct answer)

(20 bonus points per answer if you can give an example of a time when you expressed each type of boundary in a healthy way)

1- physical boundaries

2- intellectual boundaries

3- emotional boundaries

4- sexual boundaries

5- material boundaries

6- time boundaries


In Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, treatment is based on the idea that suffering comes from this

What is our attempt to avoid pain, not the experience of pain itself
