Rigid vs Flexible
Opposite Action
Problem Solving
Frustration Tolerance

Becca is getting ready for school in the morning and realizes the outfit she wanted to wear has not been cleaned. She tells her mother she has nothing to wear to school and all her other clothes are ugly. Is Becca using rigid or flexible thinking? If her thinking is rigid, how could she be more flexible?

Becca is thinking rigidly. She could think flexibly by deciding to wear something else and wearing her other outfit later in the week. (Any other flexible thinking/actions are acceptable)


What is opposite actions? Give an example. 

Opposite action is acting completely opposite of the emotion you are feeling (e.g., opposite action for anger could be acting nice or being gentle).


Laci's younger brother is always going in her room without permission. She tells her parents but he continues to go in her room without having a consequence. What are 3 solutions Laci could use? Are any of the solutions better than the others?

Laci could ask him nicely, request a lock on her door for privacy, talk to her parents again, or come to a compromise with her brother. 


What is a compromise? When would someone use a compromise?

A compromise is coming to a mutual agreement with someone where no one person gets their way but everyone gets something. 


Jacob's friends have been talking about their Jordan Air shoes. Jacob wishes he has Jordan Air shoes too and tells his family that he should have them because everyone else has them. Is Jacob using rigid or flexible thinking? If his thinking is rigid, how could he be more flexible?

Jacob is thinking rigidly. He could recognize that not probably not everyone has Jordan Airs. (Any other flexible thinking/actions are acceptable)


Randall has to present his history project in front of the class. He does not like speaking in front of other people. What do you think Randy is feeling? What urge might he have based on his feeling? How could he use opposite action?

Randall is probably feeling fear/anxiety/nervousness. He might want to avoid presenting. Opposite action could be acting confident even though he feels nervous. 


Jessica sits with the same two friends at lunch every day. One day, her friends decide to sit somewhere else for lunch and Jessica's feelings are hurt. What are 3 solutions she could try out?

Any 3 solutions would work (e.g., she could go sit with them in the new spot, find someone else to sit with for the day, ask her friends if there is a reason why they moved, etc.)


When would it be a bad time to walk away when feeling frustrated? What is an alternative for managing anger/frustration?

Any example of a bad time is acceptable (e.g., during class or in a public place, when the person is still in the middle of speaking, etc.). Alternative options include taking a deep breath, asking for a break, or thinking cool thoughts. 

What is an example of rigid thinking? Use a made up person in a made up scenario or you can use a scenario that happened to you or someone you know.

Provides an accurate example. 


Karla eats oatmeal and a banana for breakfast every day. She ran out of her favorite oatmeal the morning of her big test. Her mother went to the store yesterday and did not pick up more even though she told Karla she would. How do you think Karla may be feeling? What urge might she have based on her feeling? How could she use opposite action?

Karla is likely feeling angry and her urge may be to yell or lash out at her mother. Opposite action could include speaking to her mother in a calm voice and trying to be understanding or she could take a deep breathe and not say anything to her mother about the oatmeal. Other opposite action examples are acceptable.


Greg sits next two someone named Harry in his English class. Harry seems to be Greg's friend by sometimes he makes jokes about Greg in front of others and the rest of the class laughs. Greg is not sure if Harry is his friend. What are 3 solutions Greg could try out? Is one of the solutions better than the others?

Any 3 solutions are acceptable (e.g., he could tell Harry his feelings are being hurt, he could try to redirect the conversation or laugh with everyone, he could tell a teacher, etc.)

Hannah is feeling frustrated at school after she received a low grade on a test she studied really hard for and she discovers everyone else in the class made good grades. What are some things Hannah could use to distract from herself from her anger until it subsides?

Hannah could take deep breaths, doodle, focus on her schoolwork, count something, press her feet into the floor or squeeze and release muscles in her body. Alternative answers are acceptable. 


What is an example of flexible thinking? Use a made up person in a made up scenario or you can use a scenario that happened to you or someone you know.

Provides an accurate example. 


Tabitha learned her best friend recently got a phone for her birthday. Tabitha is not allowed to have a phone for at least another year. What do you think Tabitha might be feeling? What urge might she have based on her feeling? How could she use opposite action?

Tabitha may be feeling envious/jealous and want to pretend as though her friend's phone is not that cool or may try to convince her parents to get her one too. Opposite action could be acting happy for her friend and relaxing her face/body to avoid looking upset. 


Erika recently joined a club soccer team. Her friend Alyssa is on the same team. Erika does not know anyone else on the team and Alyssa already seemed to make friends with several of the other girls. What are 3 solutions Erika could try out? Is one solution better?

Any 3 solutions are acceptable (e.g., she could join in Alyssa's conversation with other girls, she could ask Alyssa to help introduce her, she could start a conversation with someone she does not know on the team, etc.)


Elizabeth worked very hard on her sculpture in art class. However, her teacher gave her a C on her project. Elizabeth feels as though her grade should be higher. What is a hot thought Elizabeth may have? What is a cool thought she could think instead?

Elizabeth may be thinking her teacher is unfair or mean. She could replace that thought with thinking that she will earn a better grade next time or her teacher is always a hard grader but that does not take away from how much she likes her project. Alternative answers are acceptable.


Carol is running late for her basketball practice because her father was running late after a work meeting. Carol hates being late and knows her coach is going to make her run laps as a result. Carol decides she will explain the situation to her coach and accepts that she may have to run laps. Is Carol using rigid or flexible thinking? What do you think the outcome will be based on her thinking?

Carol is thinking flexibly and is more likely to have a positive outcome as a result. 


Bridget is in a friend group with 3 girls. All 3 girls are in a club together after school, but Bridget is not. How do you think Bridget might be feeling? What urge might she have based on her feeling? How could she use opposite action?

Bridget may be feeling sad and want to withdrawal from her friends. Her opposite action for feeling sad could be to try and join in their activity or keep building positive relationships with them despite feeling left out.


When is a time recently where you used problem solving skills? Did you think of multiple solutions before making a decision? How was your problem solved?

Give a reasonable example. 


What skills have worked the best to help you tolerate frustration? Are there skills that did not work? Explain. 

Provides accurate examples. 
