Resume Words
Name the part of speech
Author's Purpose

what is a person applying for a job



His mother wants a bandage over the burn. What are the nouns? 

What are: mother, bandage, burn 


It is important to try shoes on even if you think you know your size. If you are a child, your feet can grow quickly. Adults can usually stay within the same shoe size. But, they still should try shoes on before buying them. Shoes are made differently, so it is best to always try them on. Children should try on shoes because

What is their feet can grow quickly. 


1. Children who are good sports have more fun than poor sports. That may be because children would rather play games with good sports than poor sports. After all, nobody likes a whiner or cheater! If you have been a poor sport, change your ways. Become a good sport and have more fun! All you need to do is follow the rules of the game, control your temper, and treat the other players with respect. For a good time, be a good sport no matter whether you win or lose the game What is the author's purose?

What is persuade?


It was dark. Jack and his mom had taken a long walk near their house. They had gone with some friends. They used a flashlight to see the path and had a lot of fun. They roasted marshmallows when they got home. What time is it when this happens?

What is night 


Who are people who depend on you to take care of them?

Who are dependents?


The skunk sprayed its smell on the boys. What is the verb? Is it action or linking? 

What is smell? action verb


It is important to try shoes on even if you think you know your size. If you are a child, your feet can grow quickly. Adults can usually stay within the same shoe size. But, they still should try shoes on before buying them. Shoes are made differently, so it is best to always try them on. Adults should try on shoes because

What is shoes are made differently. 


I just can't shut my eyes. I'm too excited for our trip to Disney World tomorrow. Oh, clock, hurry up. It should be morning by now. 10:20 . . . 11:00 . . . 11:45. Well, maybe if I get a glass of milk I could finally fall asleep . . . that didn't do the trick. One sheep, two sheep, three sheep . . . Ugh! Even after counting sheep, I still can't fall asleep. I can't stop thinking about the amazing rides, park food, photos with characters, and the grand street parade! Maybe I'll just read my book for a few minutes. . . snooze!  What is the author's purpose for writing this? 

What is to entertain?


It was dark. Jack and his mom had taken a long walk near their house. They had gone with some friends. They used a flashlight to see the path and had a lot of fun. They roasted marshmallows when they got home What might Jack be able to see if he looked at the sky? 

What is stars and/or the moon. 


What are skills or knowledge you have gained from your past. 



For thousands of years, humans have hated you. What are the prepositions ?

What are: for, of 


Hercules beetles are about the biggest beetles around. They look like they are wearing glossy armor. On the front of their heads, the male Hercules beetles have two long horns that nearly connect like a pair of pincers. The horns have some sharp, sturdy notches along their lengths. Yet, the Hercules beetle is not considered an insect pest. It is rarely even seen by people. Also, it is not poisonous or harmful. Hercules beetles are not considered pest because

What is they are rarely seen and they are not poisonous. 


All third grade classes will be going on a field trip on Thursday, October 17. Students will travel to Dunn State Park. There they will split into groups. Each group will go on a nature hike with a park ranger. After the hike, the groups will meet at the picnic area for lunch. Each student should bring a sack lunch from home or money to buy a sack lunch from the school lunchroom. Students will return to school before dismissal. Please sign and return this form by Wednesday, October 16. What is the author's purpose? 

What is to inform?


 The morning breeze warmed the boy's cheeks as he walked. He swung a stick and whistled a tune. The tall grass tickled his bare feet. It wasn't long before he felt hungry. When he came to the pecan tree, he swung his stick over his head. Something small and hard hit his shoulder. What did the boy swing his stick at?

What are pecans. 


What is a meeting between you and a potential employer called?

what is an interview


Ouch! I slammed my fingers in the car door. What part of speech is Ouch?

What is an interjection? 


My head is full of ideas. Mom says I am creative. My brother says I am crazy! I am always dreaming of new things, and I tire him out. My ideas keep things interesting around here! Why does the Mom say he is creative?

What is his head is full of ideas.


You have probably heard that smoking is unhealthy, but do you know why? Collecting information about smoking will probably convince you that you should never take up this bad habit. Smoking can lead to cancer of the lips, mouth, lungs, and other organs. It can cause eye and teeth problems. People who smoke do not smell good! You should never take up smoking!   What is the author's purpose for writing?

What is to persuade?


My uncle is a strong, tough man. He usually works in the fields all day on his large piece of property in the country. He likes us to think he's not sensitive. Last night, though, he showed his soft side. He stayed in the barn the whole night until the baby calf was born safely. Who is the narrator of this story? 

What is the man's niece or nephew?


What is the clothing you wear called?

What is attire?


The small bat was found outside a cave. What is the adjective? 

What is small? 


For summer reading, I had to read "Jake's Orphan." I had to write a summary, too. I don't like doing work during the summer. It makes me sleepy. But, my school requires it. They feel it keeps our brains sharp. So, I worked hard for one week to complete it. I confess-- I actually enjoyed the book. Why doesn't the author like to read during the summer?

What is it makes him sleepy 


Jeremy threw the rock into the water. He was hoping to make it skip across the surface like he had seen Eli do. Eli could make a rock skip seven or eight times before it fell in the water! Jeremy's rock just hit the water with a loud plunk and then fell to the river bottom. It was just like everything else. Eli seemed to be good at everything. Jeremy was just the opposite. He felt that he had spent his whole life looking for just one thing that he was good at. After thirteen years, he still hadn't found it. Little did he know, his search was almost over. What was the author's purpose for writing this? 

What is to entertain. 


Melanie was doing her homework. She kept busy but she kept looking at her watch. When it was 6:00, she smiled. She put her homework down. She went into the living room and picked up the remote. Why did Melanie smile when it was 6:00? 

What is her favorite TV show was coming on. 
