Prolonged, repeated, or long-term exposure to certain ingredients will lead to this:
What is overexposure?
This layer of the statum is clear transparent cells through which light can pass.
What is Stratum Lucidum?
Use this Acronym to remember the functions of the skin.
What is SHAPES?
The technical name for a wart. Highly contagious and may spread from one location to another. Refer to a physician and do not work in this area.
What is a Verruca?
A large blister (sometimes formed by friction) containing clear watery fluids.
What is a bulla?
Smoothing an acrylic brush with your fingers, holding a wet brush, gel or acrylic dust on the skin, face & cheeks are all this:
What are causes of overexposure for the nail tech?
I am the outermost later of the skin and the level to which beauty and most skin care products penetrate.
What is the epidermis?
This function performs like a "shield" against minor injuries, chemical substances, and potentially infectious microorganisms.
What is protection?
The most common disorder of the feet, itchy, peeling, and may look dry or have blisters containing clear fluids. A fungal infection, my common name is Athletes Foot, my technical name is this:
What is Tinea Pedis?
A crack in the skin that may penetrate the dermis. We'll find them on the heels of the feet and sometimes the hands.
What is a fissure?
This skin condition will usually reverse itself after skin exposure is discontinued.
What is irritant contact dermatitis?
The outer layer of the epidermis with scale like cells that are constantly being shed. Think "cornflakes".
What is Stratum Corneum?
This function is allows the skin to respond to heat, cold, touch, pressure, and pain.
What is sensation?
Pain, swelling, redness, local fever, throbbing, pus - all sings of this:
What is infection?
A freckle or a macule, small colored spots on the skin. Technically I am also called this.
What is lentigines?
This is the most common and most avoidable skin problem for Nail Techs
What is Contact Dermatitis?
The inner layer, tucked between the Epidermis and the Subcutaneous layers, I am also referred to as the "true Skin".
What is the Dermis?
What is responsible for the balance of oils in our skin?
What are dietary choices and genetics?
One way infection and disease are transmitted is via dirty hands. The first step we take to prevent the spread of disease via skin to skin contact is this:
What is wash our hands with soap and water?
An outward thickened patch of skin, I'm commonly called a callus, my scientific name is this:
What is a keratoma?
Smoothing acrylic brush with fingers, laying arms on towel contaminated with monomer, UV gel or acrylic filings, picking up containers that have residual UV gel or monomer and touching clients skin with monomer
What are common causes of overexposure?
The 3rd and bottom layer of the skin structure, it gives contour and smoothness to the body, acts as a protective cushion, and contains fats used for energy.
What is the Subcutaneous layer?
The best way to moisturize and condition skin is to use this.
What is a quality lotion?
What organization registers disinfectants?
Who is the EPA, Environmental Protection Agency?
The most serious form of skin cancer. It is characterized by black or dark brown patches on the skin that may appear uneven in texture, jagged, or raised.
What is Malignant Melanoma?
Use these when mixing disinfectant and applying primer,
What are gloves and safety glasses?
I am slightly moist, soft and flexible with a texture that is ideally smooth and fine grained.
What is healthy skin?
Practically all parts of the body are supplied with these, but they are much more numerous on the palms, soles, forehead and the armpits
What is the sudoriferous gland?
If there is pain, swelling, redness, hot to touch, presence of pus. DO NOT SERVICE.
What is a Golden Rule?
A small blemish in a variety of colors and that may appear either flat or raised. If a hair is growing from me remove it. A change in my appearance should be checked by a Doctor.
What is a mole?
Your client complains that her fingertips are red, itchy and slightly inflamed after applying a new acrylic product to her nails. What should the nail tech recommend?
What is removing the product and discontinue its use on the client?
Known as the basal layer and responsible for producing new skin cells.
What is Stratum Germinativum
Secretes _____, a fatty or oily secretion that lubricates the skin and preserves the softness of the hair.
What is Sebum?
What are Sebaceous glands?
Use proper powder and liquid ratios in acrylic services and never use extra liquid to "smooth" the product.
What are ways to avoid overexposure?
A most common form or cancer and the least severe, it is characterized by light or pearly nodules.
What is Basel Cell Carcinoma?