Cells that shed and are replaced form the
Stratum Corneum
The organ that controls the body
Human cells reproduce by mitosis, dividing into two identical cells are called
Daughter cells
Valves are structure that temporarily close a passage or permit blood flow in
Only one direction
Unit that measures the resistance of an electric current
An inflamed elevated pimple that contains pus
This organ covers the body and its external protective coating
The hinges that hold the skeleton system together by connecting two or more bones and can be movable
The absence of melanin, white and skin and sensitivity to light are indicators of
Antiseptics are effective for
killing germs on the hands
The skin gets its strength, form and flexibility from
Collagen and elastin
The study of the human body shape and structures that can be seen with the naked eye
The part of the muscle that does not move
Acne is a skin disorder characterized by chronic inflammation of the
Sebaceous glands
A small blister or sac containing clear fluid, lying within or just beneath the epidermis
Type Keratin filled cyst that are enclosed within the epidermis
Type of tissue that gives you smoothness and contour to the body and provides a protective cushion
Subcutaneous Tissue
Th nose muscle located between the eyebrows at the bridge of the nose
A highly contagious, bacterial infection of the skin characterized by open lesions; usually begins as a small sore, then develops into a group of blisters filled with a yellow brown liquid
An itchy, swollen lesion that does not last very long
Painful, itchy .non contagious skin inflammation; can have the appearance of their moist or dry lessions
Nerves that regulate the secretion of Perspiration and sebum are
Secretory Nerves
The seventh cranial nerve is the chief motor nerve of
the face
The process that forces a water based soluble solution into the skin
Able to destroy viruses