What is the largest organ of the body?
Outermost and thinnest layer of the skin; is made up of five layers: stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, and stratum germinativum.
Nerves that react to heat, cold, touch, pressure, and pain. These sensory receptors send messages to the brain.
Sensory Nerve Fibers
Also know as sweat glands; excrete perspiration and detoxify the embody by excreting excess salt and unwanted chemicals.
Sudoriferous Glands
Needed for energy to run every function within the body.
Physician who specializes in diseases and disorders of the Skin, Hair and Nails
Also known as derma, corium, cutis, or true skin; underlying or inner layer of the skin.
Secretory nerves, which are part of the autonomic nerve system, regulate to the excretion of perspiration from the sweat glands and control the flow of sebum to the surface of the skin.
Secretory Nerve Fibers
Also known as oil glands; glands connected to hair follicles. sebum is the fatty or oil secretion of this gland.
Sebaceous glands
Required for many body functions to occur.
Specialist in the cleansing beautification and preservation of the health of skin on the entire body, including the face and neck.
Small, involuntary muscles in the base of the hair follicle that cause goose flesh, sometimes called goose bumps, and papillae.
Arrector pili muscles
Tiny grains of pigment that are produced by melanocytes and deposited into cells in the stratum germinativum of the epidermis and in the papillary layers of the dermis.
Skin disorder characterized by chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands from retains secretions.
Needed for many body functions including hormones, sebum production, and absorption of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Thickening of the Skin caused by continued, repeated pressure on any part of the Skin, especially the hands and feet.
Outer layer of the dermis, directly beneath the epidermis.
papillary layer
A type of melanin that is red to yellow in color. people with light-colored skin mostly produce ______?
Also know as pimple; small elevation on the skin that contains no fluid but may develop pus.
Used by cells to produce important biochemicals that have many body functions.
Medical branch of science that deals with the study of skin and its Nature, Structure, Functions, Diseases and Treatment.
Fatty tissue found below the dermis that gives smoothness and contour to the body, contains fat for use as energy, and also acts as a protective cushion for the outer skin.
Subcutaneous tissue
A type of pigment that is dark brown to black in color. People with dark-colored skin mostly produce _______?
Protection, sensation, heat regulation, excretion, secretion, absorption are all?
Functions of the Skin
Makes up 50-70% of the body's weight and its necessary for virtually every function of the cells and body.