Name the landmark that is located above the bridge of the nose. This is also the name for Tammy's next cat.
What is the Glabella?
How many degrees and in what direction do you angle the tube for the AP Axial Projection: Towne Method.
What is 30 degrees caudad to OML?
Where is the CR placed for a lateral position of the sinuses?
What is horizontal to a point midway between outer canthus and EAM?
Name the structure that holds the pituitary gland.
What is the sella turcica (Turkish saddle)?
Are the maxillary sinuses in a cranial bone or a facial bone?
What is a facial bone (maxillary bone)?
Name the landmark that is the slight depression above the eyebrow.
What is the SOG: Supraorbital Groove?
Where do you place the CR for a right or left lateral Skull?
What is 2 inches superior to the EAM or halfway between glabella and inion?
For the PA Caldwell method of the sinuses, where does the CR exit?
What is the nasion?
Name the bone that looks like a bat and state if the bone is part of the calvarium (skullcap) or floor.
What is the sphenoid bone and what is the floor?
Which of the paranasal sinuses is the last to develop?
What is the Ethmoid Sinuses?
Name the landmark that is also known as the external occipital protuberance.
What is the inion.
You have been told to produce a radiograph that will place the petrous ridges in the lower 1/3rd of the orbits. Name the position.
What is PA Axial Projection 15 degrees CR Caldwell Method?
Name the radiographic view of the sinuses that will provide the best view of the sphenoid sinuses.
What is Parietoacanthial Transoral Projection Open Mouth Waters Method?
What is the name of the suture that separates two parietal bones from the occipital bones?
What is the Lambdoidal Suture?
After a skull trauma, the physician might worry about a fracture to the base of the skull, known as a basal skull fracture. When this occurs, there will be an effusion of what paranasal sinus?
What is the sphenoid sinus?
Name the landmark associated with the upper lip. Mustache area.
What is the acanthion?
This projection requires you to raise the chin and hyperextended the neck until the ________ is parallel to the IR and the CR. Name the position and fill in the blank.
What is Submentovertical (SMV) and what is IOML?
When positioning a patient for an SMV projection of the sinuses, the IOML is parallel to the IR. What does the IOML stand for?
What is the infraorbitomeatal line?
What is the name of the anterior fontanel in the adult?
What is the Bregma?
Who has larger sinuses, a man or a woman?
What is a man?
The petrous ridge corresponds to what landmark.
What is TEA (top of the ear attachment)?
Name the name of the projection that is the reverse Towne.
What is the Haas method?
What is the medical name for a Waters View?
What is Parietoacanthial projection?
Name the structure known as the rooster's comb and state the bone where the rooster's comb is found.
What is the crista galli and what is the ethmoid bone?
These sinuses are contained within lateral masses or labyrinths.
What are the Ethmoid sinuses?